Publications 2000 - 2008

Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology

Papers published 2000 - 2008

  1. 2008

    1. K. B. Ang, G. Baumbach, W. Dreher, and P. Pesch, “A method to identify traffic-related particulate matters in urban air,” in 6th Better Air Quality, in 6th Better Air Quality. 12.-14.11.2008, Bangkok, Thailand, 2008.
    2. K. B. Ang et al., “Effects of street cleaning on dust loads on street surfaces and ambient PM concentrations in Stuttgart Neckartor, Germany,” in European Aerosol Conference, 24 - 29 August 2008, Helexpo Thessaloniki, Greece : EAC 2008, in European Aerosol Conference, 24 - 29 August 2008, Helexpo Thessaloniki, Greece : EAC 2008. European Aerosol Conference 2008, 2008.
    3. K. B. Ang, G. Baumbach, U. Vogt, W. Dreher, and P. Pesch, “Identifikation von Feinstäuben an einem verkehrsreichen Standort in Stuttgart durch korngrößenspezifische Partikelsammlung und -analyse,” in Neue Entwicklungen bei der Messung und Beurteilung der Luftqualität, in Neue Entwicklungen bei der Messung und Beurteilung der Luftqualität. 24.-25.06.2008, Nürnberg. VDI-Berichte 2040: VDI, 2008.
    4. K. B. Ang, “Luftreinhaltung,” in Das Expertenlesebuch, vol. 1, M. Steierwald, Ed., in Das Expertenlesebuch, vol. 1. , Aachen: Shaker Verl., 2008.
    5. K. B. Ang et al., “Street cleaning as PM control method,” in 6th Better Air Quality, in 6th Better Air Quality. 12.-14.11.2008, Bangkok, Thailand, 2008.
    6. M. Arkouli et al., “A practical and low-cost method to access the air quality in large cities - Buenos Aires experience,” in 6th Better Air Quality, in 6th Better Air Quality. 12.-14.11.2008, Bangkok, Thailand, 2008.
    7. M. A. Bari, G. Baumbach, B. Kuch, and G. Scheffknecht, “Contribution of wood combustion to organic particulate matter in residential areas,” in 6th Better Air Quality, in 6th Better Air Quality. 12.-14.11.2008, Bangkok, Thailand, 2008.
    8. B. Beeh, K. Brechtel, B. Stöver, K. Strauss, and G. Scheffknecht, “Impact of mechanical-thermal de-watering (MTE) on the demineralization of lignite,” in 8th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, in 8th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers. 25.-28.03.2008, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2008.
    9. K. Brechtel, V. Stack-Lara, and G. Scheffknecht, “Einfluss der Zusammensetzung von SCR-DeNOx-Katalysatoren auf die Quecksilberoxidation,” in VGB-Konferenz Chemie im Kraftwerk 2008, in VGB-Konferenz Chemie im Kraftwerk 2008. Essen: VGB PowerTech, 2008.
    10. K. Brechtel, H. Thorwarth, S. Unterberger, and G. Scheffknecht, “Entwicklung aminhaltiger Waschlösungen zur Abtrennung von CO2 aus Rauchgasen,” VGB PowerTech, vol. 7, pp. 96–101, 2008.
    11. A. Charitos, C. Hawthorne, A. Bidwe, L. He, and G. Scheffknecht, “Design of a dual fluidised bed system for the post-combustion removal of CO2 using CaO : Part 2: Scaled cold model investigation,” in 9th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds in conjunction with 4th International VGB Workshop Öperating Experience with Fluidized Bed Firing Systems", in 9th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds in conjunction with 4th International VGB Workshop Öperating Experience with Fluidized Bed Firing Systems". 13.-16.05.2008, Hamburg: TuTech Innovation GmbH Hamburg, 2008.
    12. G. Dunnu, J. Maier, T. Hilber, and G. Scheffknecht, “Analytical procedure to characterise SRF for direct co-firing in large PF power plants,” in 7th European Conference on Coal Research and Its Applications, J. Patrick, Ed., in 7th European Conference on Coal Research and Its Applications. 03.-05.09.2008, Cardiff: Elsevier, 2008.
    13. P. Galindo Cifre et al., “Integration of a chemical process model in a power plant modelling tool for the simulation of an amine based CO2 scrubber,” in 33rd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization and Fuel Systems, in 33rd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization and Fuel Systems. 01.-05.06.2008, Clearwater,  Florida, USA: Coal Technology Association, 2008.
    14. A. Gerhardt et al., “Investigation of the influence of SRF-Co-Combustion on Chlorine Corrosion Risk of Superheaters at a CFB boiler,” in 4th VGB Workshop, Operating Experiences with CFB-Systems, in 4th VGB Workshop, Operating Experiences with CFB-Systems. 13.-16.05.2008, Hamburg: VGB Power Tech., 2008.
    15. A. Gerhardt et al., “Mitverbrennung von Sekundärbrennstoffen mit rheinischer Braunkohle,” in 40. Kraftwerktechnisches Kolloquium: Künftiges Brennstoff- und Technologieportfolio in der Kraftwerkstechnik, in 40. Kraftwerktechnisches Kolloquium: Künftiges Brennstoff- und Technologieportfolio in der Kraftwerkstechnik. Dresden: Techn. Univ., Inst. für Energietechnik, 2008.
    16. A. Gerhardt, J. Maier, G. Scheffknecht, and T. Glorius, “The RECOFUEL-project - demonstation of co-firing of solid recovered fuels in European lignite fired power plants,” in Second International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, in Second International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. 17.-20.11.2008, Venice, Italy, 2008.
    17. J. P. Kim, U. Schnell, and G. Scheffknecht, “Comparison of different global reaction mechanisms for MILD combustion of natural gas,” Combustion Science and Technology, vol. 180, no. 4, Art. no. 4, 2008, doi:
    18. J. Maier, A. Fuller, A. Gerhardt, and G. Scheffknecht, “Characterization of co-combustion lignite fly ashes for use in existing fields of applications and for evaluating the fouling and corrosion tendencies,” in Impacts of Fuel Quality on Power Production & Environment, in Impacts of Fuel Quality on Power Production & Environment. 29.09.2008-03.10.2008, Banff, Canada, 2008.
    19. J. Maier, P. Mönckert, B. Dhungel, R. Kull, and G. Scheffknecht, “Impact of combustion conditions on emission formation (SO2, NOX) and fly ash,” in IEA 3rd International Oxy-combustion Workshop, in IEA 3rd International Oxy-combustion Workshop. 04.-06.03.2008, Yokohama, Japan, 2008.
    20. N. Poboss, S. Kicherer, C. Hawthorne, A. Schuster, and G. Scheffknecht, “Investigation of Alkali Behaviour during the absorption enhanced reforming,” in 16th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, in 16th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 02.-06.06.2008, Valencia, Spain, 2008.
    21. D. Ristic, M. Schneider, A. Schuster, G. Scheffknecht, and J. Wünning, “Investigation of NOx formation for flameless coal combustion,” in 7th HTACG Symposium, in 7th HTACG Symposium. 13.-16.01.2008, Phuket (Thailand), 2008.
    22. G. Scheffknecht and J. Maier, “Firing issues related to the oxyfuel process,” VGB PowerTech, vol. 88, no. 11, Art. no. 11, 2008.
    23. G. Scheffknecht, “Fossil fuel based power generation and green-house-gas emissions - state of the art and perspective,” International journal of energy for a CLEAN environment, vol. 9, no. 1–3, Art. no. 1–3, 2008, doi:
    24. A. Schuster, S. Erhardt, G. Scheffknecht, and J. Wünning, “Conversion of ammonia to NOx for flameless oxidation of low calorific value gas,” in 7th HTACG Symposium, in 7th HTACG Symposium. 13.-16.01.2008, Phuket (Thailand), 2008.
    25. M. Treuer, “Flachheitsbasierte Zwei-Freiheitsgrade-Regelung von Speicherwasserkraftwerken,” in 42. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, in 42. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium. 20.-22.02.2008, Boppard: Fraunhofer Institut f. Informations-u. Datenverarb, 2008.
    26. X. Wei, X. Han, U. Schnell, G. Scheffknecht, and B. Risio, “Modeling of the NOx and SOx formation in pulverized coal combustion with detailed reaction mechanisms,” Chinese journal of theoretical and applied mechanics, 2008.
    27. T. Weißbach and E. Welfonder, “Electric power balance in deregulated electricity markets - consequences and requirements to generators,” in VGB Workshop - 4th ETC Generation and Technology - Impact of Grid Management on Power Plant Operation, in VGB Workshop - 4th ETC Generation and Technology - Impact of Grid Management on Power Plant Operation. 15.10.2008, Köln, 2008.
    28. T. Weißbach and E. Welfonder, “Improvement of the performance of scheduled stepwise power programme changes within the European power system,” in 17th World Congress, The International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), in 17th World Congress, The International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). 06.-11.07.2008, Seoul, Korea, 2008.
    29. T. Weißbach and E. Welfonder, “Verbesserte Umsetzung handelsbedingter Leistungsänderungen in Kraftwerken und Netz,” in 9. GMA/ETG Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung, E. Lerch, Ed., in 9. GMA/ETG Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung. 05.-06.03.2008, München. ETG-Fachbericht 109: VDE Verlag, 2008.
    30. E. Welfonder, T. Weißbach, U. Schulz, G. Zeitler, and J. Nielsen, “Improvement of the performance of scheduled stepwise power programme changes within the European power system,” in CIGRE Session 2008, in CIGRE Session 2008. 24.-29.08.2008, Paris, 2008.
    31. L. Yerihemzon, J. Maier, and A. Fuller, “Granulation process of molten slag, reducing emission of gases and improving quality of the Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS),” in 4th Global Slag Conference & Exhibition, in 4th Global Slag Conference & Exhibition. 10.-11.11.2008, Strasbourg, France, 2008.
  2. 2007

    1. C. Acuna-Caro, H. Thorwarth, G. Scheffknecht, and F. Delle, “Parameters influencing mercury behaviour in FGD systems,” in Third International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies for Our Future, in Third International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies for Our Future. 15.-17.05.2007, Cagliari and Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy: IEA Coal Research, 2007.
    2. K. B. Ang, G. Baumbach, G. Scheffknecht, W. Dreher, and P. Pesch, “Characterisation and size distribution of airborne particles in urban traffic and background sites at Stuttgart Neckartor,” in European Aerosol Conference 2007, in European Aerosol Conference 2007. 09.-14.09.2007, Salzburg, Austria, 2007.
    3. K. B. Ang et al., “Identfication of traffic-related PM sources at a high traffic site in Stuttgart, Germany,” in 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, in 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality. 27.-29.03.2007, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2007.
    4. M. A. Bari, G. Baumbach, L. Sarachaga-Ruiz, and S. Kleanthous, “Characterization of ambient particulate matter on a mediterranean island,” in First International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics, in First International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics. 24.-28.06.2007, Skiathos, Greece: Elsevier, 2007.
    5. M. A. Bari, G. Baumbach, G. Scheffknecht, and B. Kuch, “Characterization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from different sources of urban areas in Germany,” in European Aerosol Conference, in European Aerosol Conference. 09.-14.09.2007, Salzburg, Austria, 2007.
    6. M. A. Bari, G. Baumbach, B. Kuch, and G. Scheffknecht, “Determination of particle-phase organic compounds as wood burning tracers in a residential site of Germany,” in AAAR 26th Annual Conference, in AAAR 26th Annual Conference. 24.-28.09.2007, Reno, Nevada, USA, 2007.
    7. M. A. Bari, G. Baumbach, G. Scheffknecht, and B. Kuch, “Sources of particle-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a residential site in southern Gemany,” in 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, in 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality. 27.-29.03.2007, Limassol,  Cyprus, 2007.
    8. G. Baumbach et al., “Air quality as an integrating factor for the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities,” in 14th IUPPA World Congress, in 14th IUPPA World Congress. 09.-13-09.2007, Brisbane, Australia, 2007.
    9. G. Baumbach, H. Pfeiffer, S. Kleanthous, O. Poulida, and E. Beyaz, “Assessment of air quality in Cyprus,” in 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, in 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality. 27.-29.03.2007, Limassol, Cyprus, 2007.
    10. G. Baumbach, U. Vogt, M. Ahmad, P. Mönckert, and S. Kleanthous, “Tethered balloon soundings of air pollutants above the cities of Nicosia and Limassol in Cyprus,” in 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, in 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality. 27.-29.03.2007, Limassol, Cyprus, 2007.
    11. G. Baumbach, K. B. Ang, M. A. Bari, U. Vogt, and Y. Zeng, “Untersuchung der Ursachen hoher Feinstaubbelastung an verkehrsreichen Straßen und der Eigenschaften und Herkunft der gesammelten PM10-Stäube des Messortes Stuttgart-Neckartor,” in Emissionsarme Biomassefeuerungen, in Emissionsarme Biomassefeuerungen. , Stuttgart: IVD, 2007.
    12. K. Brechtel, H. Thorwarth, S. Unterberger, and G. Scheffknecht, “Entwicklung von aminhaltigen Waschlösungen zur Abtrennung von CO2 aus Rauchgasen,” in VGB Chemie im Kraftwerk, in VGB Chemie im Kraftwerk. 23.10.2007, Rostock-Warnemünde, 2007.
    13. W. Bächlin, C. Sörgel, M. Struschka, W. Juschka, G. Baumbach, and A. Trukenmöller, “Tool für die Planung zur Abschätzung der Luftbelastung in Wohngebieten auf Grund verstärkter Verfeuerung fester Biomasse,” in METTOOLS VI - Fachtagung des Fachausschusses Umweltmeteorologie der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft, S. Emeis, Ed., in METTOOLS VI - Fachtagung des Fachausschusses Umweltmeteorologie der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft. 24.-26.04.2007, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 2007.
    14. B. Dhungel, J. Maier, and G. Scheffknecht, “Emission behaviour during oxy-coal combustion in a 20 kW once through furnace,” in Ninth International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, in Ninth International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment. 02.-05.07.2007, Povoa de Varzim, Portugal, 2007.
    15. B. Dhungel, P. Mönckert, J. Maier, and G. Scheffknecht, “Investigation of oxy-coal combustion in semi-technical test facilities,” in Third International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies for Our Future, R. M. Davidson, Ed., in Third International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies for Our Future. 15.-17.05.2007, Sardinia, Italy: IEA Coal Research, 2007.
    16. G. Dunnu, J. Maier, and A. Gerhardt, “Thermal utilisation of solid recovered fuels as part of an integrated waste management concept,” in First International Conference on Environmental Research, Technology and Policy ERTEP 2007, in First International Conference on Environmental Research, Technology and Policy ERTEP 2007. 17.-19.07.2007, Accra, Ghana: Canadian International Development Agency, 2007.
    17. P. Galindo Cifre, K. Brechtel, and G. Scheffknecht, “Kopplung eines chemischen Simulationsprogramms mit EBSILON für die Modellierung eines CO2-Amin-Wäschers,” in EBSILON Anwendertagung, in EBSILON Anwendertagung. 22.11.2007, Bensheim, 2007.
    18. A. Gerhardt, J. Maier, and G. Scheffknecht, “Co-combustion and standardisation of solid recovered fuels in Europe,” in International Conference on Coal Science and Technology, in International Conference on Coal Science and Technology. 28.-31.08.2007, Nottingham, UK: Elsevier, 2007.
    19. A. Gerhardt, G. Dunnu, and J. Maier, “Untersuchungen zu Sekundärbrennstoffen und den Einfluss ihrer Eigenschaften auf die Mitverbrennung,” in 23. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerung, in 23. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerung. 12.-13.09.2007, Berlin. VDI-Berichte 1988: VDI-Verl., 2007.
    20. U. Jäger, H. Thorwarth, C. Acuna-Caro, and G. Scheffknecht, Verhalten von Quecksilber und seinen Verbindungen in staubhaltigen Rauchgasen . Abschlussbericht zum AiF-Forschungsvorhaben Nr. 13 534 N. Stuttgart, 2007.
    21. J. P. Kim, U. Schnell, and G. Scheffknecht, “Numerical modeling of MILD combustion,” in 23. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerung, in 23. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerung. 12.-13.09.2007, Berlin. VDI-Berichte 1988: VDI-Verl., 2007.
    22. J. P. Kim, U. Schnell, G. Scheffknecht, and A. C. Benim, “Numerical modelling of MILD combustion for coal,” Progress in computational fluid dynamics, vol. 7, no. 6, Art. no. 6, 2007, doi:
    23. S. Kleanthous, M. A. Bari, G. Baumbach, and L. Sarachaga-Ruiz, “The particulate matter problem in Cyprus,” in 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, in 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality. 27.-29.03.2007, Limassol, Cyprus, 2007.
    24. J. Lehner, “Global and local effects of decentralised electric power generation on the grid in the western Balkan countries,” in 4th Dubrovnik conference on sustainable development of energy water and environment systems, N. Duic, Z. Guzovic, and M. Ban, Eds., in 4th Dubrovnik conference on sustainable development of energy water and environment systems. 04.-08.06.2007, Dubrovnik, Kroatien: University of Zagreb, 2007.
    25. J. Lehner and M. Kurth, “Oscillation behaviour of the enlarged European interconnected network including the Turkish power system,” in PowerGrid Europe 2007, in PowerGrid Europe 2007. 26.-28.06.2007, Madrid, Spain, 2007.
    26. S. Leiser, U. Schnell, and G. Scheffknecht, “A kinetic homogeneous reaction model for oxy-fuel combustion,” in Ninth International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, in Ninth International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment. 02.-04.07.2007, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, 2007.
    27. J. Maier, B. Dhungel, P. Mönckert, and G. Scheffknecht, “Combustion and emission behaviour under oxy-fuel condifiton,” in 39. Kraftwerktechnisches Kolloquium: Verfahren und Anlagen der Hochtemperaturenergietechnik, in 39. Kraftwerktechnisches Kolloquium: Verfahren und Anlagen der Hochtemperaturenergietechnik. 11. und 12. Oktober 2007, Dresden, 2007.
    28. P. Mönckert, D. Reber, J. Maier, and G. Scheffknecht, “Operation of a retrofited 0,5 MWth PF combustion facility under oxyfuel conditions - an experience report,” in 32nd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, B. A. Sakkestad, Ed., in 32nd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. 10.-15.06.2007, Clearwater, Florida, USA: Coal Technology Assoc., 2007.
    29. D. Ristic, R. Berger, G. Scheffknecht, C. Lacour, D. Honore, and J. Wünning, “Experimental study on flameless oxidation of pulverised coal under air staging conditions,” in 15th IFRF Member’s Conference: Combustion in an efficient and environmentally acceptable manner, in 15th IFRF Member’s Conference: Combustion in an efficient and environmentally acceptable manner. 13.-15.06.2007, Pisa, Italy: International Flame Research Foundation, 2007.
    30. G. Scheffknecht, H. Dieter, J. Hetzer, U. Schnell, C. Götte, and T. Sabel, “Coupled simulation of the combustion and steam generation process in large utility boilers,” in Third International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies for our Future, in Third International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies for our Future. 15.-17.05.2007, Cagliari and Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy, 2007.
    31. G. Scheffknecht et al., “Coupled simulation of the combustion and steam generation process in large utility boilers,” in 32nd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, in 32nd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. 10.-15.06.2007, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2007.
    32. A. Schuster, M. Zieba, G. Scheffknecht, and J. Wünning, “Application of FLOX technology for the utilisation of low-grade biofuels,” in 15th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, in 15th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 07.-11.05.2007, Berlin: ETA, 2007.
    33. A. Schuster, M. Zieba, G. Scheffknecht, and J. Wünning, “Optimisation of conventional biomass combustion system by applying flameless oxidation,” in 15th IFRF Member’s Conference: Combustion in an efficient and environmentally acceptable manner, in 15th IFRF Member’s Conference: Combustion in an efficient and environmentally acceptable manner. 13.-15.06.2007, Pisa, Italien: IFRF, 2007.
    34. H. Schürmann, P. B. Monkhouse, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “In situ parametric study of alkali release in pulverized coal combustion,” in Proceedings of the Combustion Institute - Effects of operating conditions and gas composition, in Proceedings of the Combustion Institute - Effects of operating conditions and gas composition, vol. 31. 2007.
    35. M. Struschka, W. Juschka, W. Bächlin, and C. Sörgel, “Detaillierte Berechnung von Emissionen und Immissionen aus Kleinfeuerungsanlagen,” in 6. Stuttgarter Holzfeuerungs-Kolloquium: Emissionsarme Biomassefeuerungen, in 6. Stuttgarter Holzfeuerungs-Kolloquium: Emissionsarme Biomassefeuerungen. 26.09.2007 Stuttgart: IVD, 2007.
    36. H. Thorwarth, V. Stack-Lara, and G. Scheffknecht, “Impact of fly ash constituents on the behaviour of ionic and elemental mercury,” in 32nd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, B. A. Sakkestad, Ed., in 32nd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. 10.-15.06.2007, Clearwater, Florida, USA: Coal Technology Assoc., 2007.
    37. H. Thorwarth and G. Scheffknecht, “Impact of municipal sewage sludge co-combustion on trace element behaviour in coal-fired boilers,” in 2007 International Conference on Coal Science and Technology, in 2007 International Conference on Coal Science and Technology. 28.-31.08.2007, Nottingham, UK: Elsevier, 2007.
    38. H. Thorwarth and G. Scheffknecht, “Influence of ammonia on mercury behaviour,” in 4th International Experts’ Workshop, Mercury Emissions from Coal, in 4th International Experts’ Workshop, Mercury Emissions from Coal. June 2007, Tokyo, Japan, 2007.
    39. M. Treuer, T. Weissbach, M. Kurth, and V. Hagenmeyer, “Flatness-based two-degree-of-freedom control of a pumped storage power station,” in European Control Conference, ECC ’07, in European Control Conference, ECC ’07. 02.-05.07.2007, Kos, Griechenland, 2007.
    40. U. Vogt et al., “Air quality and urban climate investigations in the megacity of Buenos Aires,” in 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, in 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality. 27.-29.03.2007, Nikosia, 2007.
    41. E. Welfonder, “Sinnvolle sozio-ökonomische Weiterentwicklung der globalisierten Gesellschaft,” at - Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 55, no. 8, Art. no. 8, 2007.
  3. 2006

    1. C. Acuna-Caro, H. Thorwarth, and G. Scheffknecht, “A thermodynamic study on the effects of individual flue gas components on mercury speciation,” PowerPlant Chemistry, no. 6, Art. no. 6, 2006.
    2. K. Andersson, P. Mönckert, J. Maier, G. Scheffknecht, and F. Johnsson, “Combustion and flame characteristics of oxy-fuel combustion - experimental activities within the ENCAP Project,” in 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, in 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. 19.-22.06.2006, Trondheim, Norway: NTNU, 2006.
    3. G. Baumbach, M. Struschka, and G. Scheffknecht, “Belastungen und Minderungsmöglichkeiten bei Feststoffheizungen (u. a. Pellets),” in KRdL-Expertenforum “Feinstaub und Stickstoffdioxid,” in KRdL-Expertenforum “Feinstaub und Stickstoffdioxid.” 06.11.2006, Bonn: Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 2006.
    4. G. Baumbach and K. B. Ang, “Bestimmung und Simulation des örtlichen und zeitlichen Verlaufs der Verdunstungsemissionen aus dem Ansaugstrang von Kraftfahrzeugen,” in Informationstagung Motoren, Frühjahrstagung 2006, in Informationstagung Motoren, Frühjahrstagung 2006. 30.03.2006, Frankfurt am Main: FVV, 2006.
    5. R. Berger, T. Golec, and A. Schuster, “New burner systems for low calorific value gases integrated with pre-gasifiers,” in 10th International Conference on Boiler Technology, in 10th International Conference on Boiler Technology. 17.-20.10.2006, Szczyrk, Orle Gniazdo, 2006.
    6. R. Berger, A. Schuster, and J. Wünning, “Neue Brennersysteme für Bio-Raffinerien,” Gaswärme international, vol. 55, no. 6, Art. no. 6, 2006.
    7. K. Brechtel, H. Thorwarth, and G. Scheffknecht, “CO2-capture with liquid and fixed amine-solvents,” in Advances in Energy Studies, in Advances in Energy Studies. 13.-16.09.2006, Porto Venere, Italien: Elsevier, 2006.
    8. K. Brechtel, H. Thorwarth, and G. Scheffknecht, “Simulation der CO2-Abtrennung aus Kraftwerksabgasen mit Aminen,” in 38. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium: Kraftwerksbetrieb unter künftigen Rahmenbedingungen, in 38. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium: Kraftwerksbetrieb unter künftigen Rahmenbedingungen. 24.-25.10.2006, Dresden, 2006.
    9. A. Gerhardt, C. Deeg, J. Maier, G. Scheffknecht, T. Hilber, and Th. Glorius, “Sekundärbrennstoffe - Standardisierung und Betriebserfahrungen aus der Mitverbrennung in Kraftwerken,” in 38. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium: Kraftwerksbetrieb unter künftigen Rahmenbedingungen, in 38. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium: Kraftwerksbetrieb unter künftigen Rahmenbedingungen. 24.-25.10.2006, Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Energiegewinnung, 2006.
    10. O. Greissl, G. Scheffknecht, M. Kaess, and T. Sabel, “Optimization of combustion and prevention of water wall corrosion at a pulverised coal fired power plant,” in 31st International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, in 31st International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. 21.-25.05.2006, Clearwater, Florida, USA: Coal Technology Association, 2006.
    11. J. P. Kim, U. Schnell, and G. Scheffknecht, “Numerical modelling of flameless combustion for natural gas,” in Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, in Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers. 18.-21.04.2006, Porto, Portugal, 2006.
    12. M. Kurth and E. Welfonder, “Importance of the selfregulating effect within power systems,” in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control 2006, D. T. Westwick, Ed., in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control 2006. 25.-28.06.2006, Kananaskis, Canada: Elsevier, 2006.
    13. M. Kurth, U. Schulz, T. Weissbach, E. Welfonder, and W. Heidrich, “Regeldynamisches Zusammenwirken von Kraftwerken und Netzen bei deregulierter Energiewirtschaft,” in VGB-Konferenz Elektrotechnik, Leittechnik, Informationsverarbeitung im Kraftwerk, in VGB-Konferenz Elektrotechnik, Leittechnik, Informationsverarbeitung im Kraftwerk. Essen: VGB PowerTech, 2006.
    14. M. Käß, T. Sabel, B. Haas, B. Risio, and G. Scheffknecht, “Development trends for simulation based optimisation of boiler operation at EnBW,” in Power-Gen Europe 2006, in Power-Gen Europe 2006. 30.05.-01.06.2006, Köln, 2006.
    15. J. Lehner, M. Kurth, and E. Lerch, “Dynamisches Verhalten des europäischen Verbundnetzes bei Ausbau zum Mittelmeerring,” in VDE-Kongress: Innovations for Europe, W. Schröppel, Ed., in VDE-Kongress: Innovations for Europe. 23.-25.10.2006, Aachen: VDE-Verl., 2006.
    16. J. Maier, B. Dhungel, P. Mönckert, and G. Scheffknecht, “Coal combustion and emission behaviour under oxyfuel condition,” in 31st International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, in 31st International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. 21.-25.05.2006, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2006.
    17. D. Ristic, A. Schuster, and R. Berger, “Development of FLOX-circled burner for gas liquid and solid fuels,” in Symposium Power Plants, in Symposium Power Plants. 19.-22.09.2006, Banja Koviljaca, Serbia, 2006.
    18. G. Scheffknecht, J. Maier, R. Berger, and H. Thorwarth, “An overview on CO2-capture technologies and current R&D activities at IVD,” in 10th International Conference on Boiler Technology, Current Issues of Constructions and Operation of Boilers, in 10th International Conference on Boiler Technology, Current Issues of Constructions and Operation of Boilers. 17.-20.10.2006, Szczyrk, Orle Gniazdo, 2006.
    19. G. Scheffknecht, “Fossil fuel based power generation and green-house-gas emissons - state of the art and perspective,” in 10th International Conference on Boiler Technology, Current Issues of Constructions and Operation of Boilers, in 10th International Conference on Boiler Technology, Current Issues of Constructions and Operation of Boilers. 17.-20.10.2006, Szczyrk, Orle Gniazdo, 2006.
    20. G. Scheffknecht, “Power plant technologie’s contribution to environmental protection - state of the art and perspective,” in Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, A. Reis, J. Ward, and W. Leuckel, Eds., in Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers. 18.-21.04.2006, Porto, Portugal, 2006.
    21. J. Tembrink, H. Thorwarth, and A. Dieckmann, “Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants with sewage sludge co-combustion,” in 3rd International Experts’s Workshop, Mercury Emissions From Coal, in 3rd International Experts’s Workshop, Mercury Emissions From Coal. 05.-07.06.2006, Katowice, Poland, 2006.
    22. H. Thorwarth and G. Scheffknecht, “Influence of sewage sludge co-combustion on mercury behaviour,” in 3rd International Experts’s Workshop, Mercury Emissions From Coal, in 3rd International Experts’s Workshop, Mercury Emissions From Coal. 05.-07.06.2006, Katowice, Poland, 2006.
    23. H. Thorwarth and G. Scheffknecht, “The effect of conventional air pollution control devices and biomass co-combustion on mercury behaviour,” in The proceedings of the 31th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, in The proceedings of the 31th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. 2006.
    24. H. Thorwarth, “The EU-project TOMERED : results of trace metal investigations,” in TOTeM28 “Mercury, Trace Metals and Fine Particulates - Issues and Solutions,” in TOTeM28 “Mercury, Trace Metals and Fine Particulates - Issues and Solutions.” 13.-14.03.2006, Salt Lake City, USA, 2006.
    25. H. Thorwarth and G. Scheffknecht, “Trace element behaviour in coal fired power stations,” in 10th International Conference on Boiler Technology, Current Issues of Constructions and Operation of Boilers, in 10th International Conference on Boiler Technology, Current Issues of Constructions and Operation of Boilers. 17.-20.10.2006, Szczyrk, Orle Gniazdo, 2006.
    26. H. Thorwarth and G. Scheffknecht, “Trace element behaviour in SCR-catalysts and electrostatic precipitators,” in Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, in Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers. 2006.
    27. H. Thorwarth and G. Scheffknecht, “Zum Einfluss von Rauchgasreinigungsanlagen auf das Schwermetallverhalten bei der Klärschlammmitverbrennung,” in VGB-Konferenz Chemie im Kraftwerk 2006, in VGB-Konferenz Chemie im Kraftwerk 2006. VGB PowerTech e.V., 2006.
    28. M. Treuer, T. Weissbach, M. Kurth, D. Haake, and R. Gudat, “Zum Einsatz modellgestützer Regelung von Dampfkraftwerksblöcken über große Lastbereiche zur Erhöhung der Manövrierfähigkeit - Parametrierung und Simulation eines nichtlinearen Blockführungskonzepts,” in 38. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, in 38. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium. 24.-25.10.2006, Dresden: Techn. Univ., Institut für Energietechnik, 2006.
    29. U. Vogt, G. Baumbach, U. Corsmeier, M. Kohler, and J. Kühlwein, “Vergleich von berechneten und gemessenen Emissionen des Straßenverkehrs am Beispiel des Autobahnprojektes BAB II,” in Verkehr und Luftreinhaltung, in Verkehr und Luftreinhaltung. Arbeitsgruppe Luftreinhaltung der Universität Stuttgart, 2006.
    30. T. Weißbach, M. Kurth, E. Welfonder, D. Haake, and R. Gudat, “Control performance of large scale steam power plants and improvements,” in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control 2006, D. T. Westwick, Ed., in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control 2006. 25.-28.06.2006, Kananaskis, Canada: Elsevier, 2006.
    31. T. Weißbach, M. Kurth, E. Welfonder, U. Schulz, and W. Heidrich, “Rückwirkungen des Netzstör- und Führungsverhaltens auf den Kraftwerksbetrieb,” in VDE-Kongress: Innovations for Europe, in VDE-Kongress: Innovations for Europe. 23.-25.10.2006, Aachen: VDE-Verl., 2006.
    32. E. Welfonder, “Historische Entwicklung der Leittechnik im Bereich der elektrischen Energieversorgung,” atp - Automatisierungstechnische Praxis, vol. 48, no. 6, Art. no. 6, 2006.
    33. E. Welfonder and M. Kurth, “Limitation control procedures, required for power plants and power systems,” in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control 2006, D. T. Westwick, Ed., in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control 2006. 25.-28.06.2006, Kananaskis, Canada: Elsevier, 2006.
    34. E. Welfonder, “Populations’ development, important for the sustainable further evolution of the globalized society,” in Tagungsband: 9th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill And Knowledge, in Tagungsband: 9th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill And Knowledge. 22.-24.05.2006, Nancy, France, 2006.
    35. E. Welfonder, “Sinnvolle sozio-ökonomische Weiterentwicklung der globalisierten Gesellschaft,” VGB PowerTech, no. 8, Art. no. 8, 2006.
  4. 2005

    1. M. A. Bari, G. Baumbach, L. Sarachaga-Ruiz, S. Drautz, S. Kleanthous, and E. Beyaz, “Determination of fine particulate matter from urban and rural sites,” in 4th Asian Aerosol Conference, in 4th Asian Aerosol Conference. 13.-16.12.2005, Mumbai, India, 2005, pp. 122–123.
    2. M. A. Bari, G. Baumbach, L. Sarachaga-Ruiz, S. Drautz, S. Kleanthous, and E. Beyaz, “PM10 Source Apportionment Study in a Dry Mediterranean Island,” in Fifth International Conference on Urban Air Quality, in Fifth International Conference on Urban Air Quality. 29.-31.03.2005, Valencia, Spain, 2005.
    3. G. Baumbach, H. Pfeiffer, L. Sarachaga-Ruiz, S. Kleanthous, and E. Beyaz, “Determination of the spatial air pollutants distribution on the island of Cyprus using diffusive sampling and statistical modelling,” in Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales & 14th IUAPPA regional conference, S. Topçu, Ed., in Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales & 14th IUAPPA regional conference. 26.-30.09.2005, Istanbul, Turkey: Hava Kirlenmesi Arastirmalari ve Denetimi Türk Milli Komitesi, 2005.
    4. J. Beck, S. Unterberger, and G. Scheffknecht, “Deactivation of SCR DeNOx catalysts by fuel-phosphate,” in The proceedings of the 30th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, B. A. Sakkestad, Ed., in The proceedings of the 30th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. 17.-21.04.2005, Clearwater, Florida, USA: Coal Technology Association, 2005.
    5. J. Beck, S. Unterberger, G. Scheffknecht, A. Jensen, Y. Zheng, and J. E. Johnsson, “The effect of biomass co-combustion on DeNOx catalysts,” in Tagungsband: Second International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies for our Future, in Tagungsband: Second International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies for our Future. 10.-12.05.2005, Castiadas, Sardinia, 2005.
    6. R. Berger, C. Hawthorne, and G. Scheffknecht, “Lime enhanced gasification of solids :  a process offering new prospects in fuel chemistry,” in The International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, in The International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies. 16.-18.06.2005, Freiberg/Saxony, Germany, 2005.
    7. R. Berger, M. Schmid, and J. Wünning, “Low-NOx Schwachgasverbrennung mit flammloser Oxidation,” Gaswärme international, 2005.
    8. A. Berreth, X. Han, B. Risio, and K. R. G. Hein, “Einsatz detaillierter Gaschemie und nichtoxidierender heterogener Feststoffreaktionen zur Verbesserung der Verlässlichkeit von CO-Vorhersagen in CFD-Simulationen von Kohle- und Gasflammen,” in 22. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen, in 22. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen. 21.-22.09.2005, Braunschweig. VDI-Berichte 1888: VDI-Verl., 2005.
    9. P. Casabonnet, J. Maier, and J.-J. Campillo, “Identification and assessment of solid recovered fuels streams as substitute for fossile fuels,” in Tagungsband: Clean Air 2005, 8th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, in Tagungsband: Clean Air 2005, 8th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment. 2005.
    10. B. Essig and E. Welfonder, “Durchgängige Kennzeichnungssystematik für den gesamten Produktlebenszyklus, unter anderem auch für die Verfahrenstechnik,” in GMA-Kongress 2005: Automation als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung, in GMA-Kongress 2005: Automation als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung. 07.-08.06.2005, Baden-Baden. VDI-Berichte 1883: VDI-Verl., 2005.
    11. K. R. G. Hein, “Energy and environment in Europe - present and future,” in Tagungsband: Nachhaltigkeit für Mensch und Umwelt im Spannungsfeld Wissenschaft - Wirtschaft - Politik, I. Ionel, Ed., in Tagungsband: Nachhaltigkeit für Mensch und Umwelt im Spannungsfeld Wissenschaft - Wirtschaft - Politik. Ed. Politehnica, 2005, pp. 49–52.
    12. T. Hilber et al., “Flue-gas coupling of a waste incinerator with a lignite-fired coal boiler : assessment of the best-suited injection concept by computational and experimental methods,” in Computational methods and experimental measurements XII, C. A. Brebbia, Ed., in Computational methods and experimental measurements XII. 20.-22.06.2005, Qawra: WIT Press, 2005.
    13. J. P. Kim, C. Deeg, T. Hilber, U. Schnell, and G. Scheffknecht, “Numerical Simulation of Coal Combustion with Detailed Gas-Phase Chemistry,” in Tagungsband: ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Combustion, in Tagungsband: ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Combustion. 21.-24.06.2005, Lissabon, 2005.
    14. M. Kohler, U. Corsmeier, U. Vogt, and B. Vogel, “Estimation of gaseous real-world traffic emissions downstream a motorway,” Atmospheric environment, vol. 39, no. 31, Art. no. 31, 2005.
    15. M. Kurth, “Oscillation behaviour of the enlarged European power system,” in Tagungsband: 5th International World Energy System Conference, in Tagungsband: 5th International World Energy System Conference. 17.-19.05.2005, Oradea, Rumänien, 2005.
    16. M. Kurth and E. Welfonder, “Ausreichende Bedämpfung von Netzpendelungen, auch bei deregulierter Marktwirtschaft und Verbundnetz-Erweiterung,” at - Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 53, no. 4–5, Art. no. 4–5, 2005, doi:
    17. M. Kurth and E. Welfonder, “Oscillation behaviour of the enlarged European power system under deregulated energy market conditions,” Control engineering practice, vol. 13, no. 12, Art. no. 12, 2005, doi:
    18. P. Mönckert, B. Dhungel, H. Wörner, J. Maier, and G. Scheffknecht, “Experimentelle Untersuchung und Bewertung zur Oxyfuel-Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe in einem Flugstromreaktor,” in 22. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen, in 22. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen. 21.-22.09.2005, Braunschweig. VDI-Berichte 1888: VDI-Verl., 2005.
    19. M. Petrea, R. Kurtenbach, P. Wiesen, U. Vogt, and G. Baumbach, “NMHC measurements of motorway emissions during the BAB II field campaing,” Atmospheric Environment, vol. 39, no. 31, Art. no. 31, 2005, doi:
    20. W. Quick, W. Corns, J. Tembrink, M. Cieplik, H. Thorwarth, and S. Bowden, “Impact of biomass co-combustion and combustion conditions on mercury partitioning at Kingsnorth Power Station, UK,” in Air Quality V, in Air Quality V. 19.-21.09.2005, Washington, USA, 2005.
    21. B. Risio, F. Blum, J. Hetzer, A. Berreth, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “Towards an innovative virtual optimisation machine for the power industry,” Progress in computational fluid dynamics, vol. 5, 2005, doi:
    22. E. Rosenbohm et al., “Particulate size distributions and mass measured at a motorway during the BAB II campaign,” Atmospheric environment, vol. 39, no. 31, Art. no. 31, 2005, doi:
    23. G. Scheffknecht and G. Stamatelopoulos, “CO2-Minderung mit modernen Kohlekraftwerken?,” Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, vol. 77, no. 4, Art. no. 4, 2005, doi:
    24. G. Scheffknecht, “Lebensdauerverlängerung des bestehenden Kraftwerksparks und CO2-Emissionen - ein Zielkonflikt,” in 2. Stuttgarter Energieforum “Lebensdauermanagement von Kraftwerken und Netzen - eine Grundvoraussetzung zum Erhalt der Versorgungssicherheit,” in 2. Stuttgarter Energieforum “Lebensdauermanagement von Kraftwerken und Netzen - eine Grundvoraussetzung zum Erhalt der Versorgungssicherheit.” 28.06.2005, Stuttgart, 2005.
    25. G. Scheffknecht, “Power plant technology contributes to environmental protection - state of the art and perspective,” in Workshop - wastes & biomass thermal treatment combustion & co-combustion, in Workshop - wastes & biomass thermal treatment combustion & co-combustion. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, 2005.
    26. U. Schnell, H. Dieter, and G. Scheffknecht, “Detailed combustion and steamside simulation of fossil-fuel fired utility boilers,” in Eighth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, W. E. Nagel, Ed., in Eighth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering. 13.-14.10.2005, Stuttgart University: Springer, 2005.
    27. A. Schuster, J. Kieß, and R. Berger, “FLOX-Brennertechnik für Holzfeuerungen,” in 5. Stuttgarter Holzfeuerungs-Kolloquium kombiniert mit 18. ALS-Kolloquium, G. Baumbach, Ed., in 5. Stuttgarter Holzfeuerungs-Kolloquium kombiniert mit 18. ALS-Kolloquium. 06.10.2005, Stuttgart: ALS, 2005.
    28. A. Schuster et al., “New burner technologies for low grade biofuels to supply clean energy for processes in biorefineries,” in 14. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2005, in 14. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2005. 16.-21.10.2005, Paris, 2005.
    29. A. Schuster, R. Berger, and G. Scheffknecht, “Utilisation of solid bio-residues in a new combustion system applying flameless oxidation,” in 14. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2005, in 14. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2005. 16.-21.10.2005, Paris, 2005.
    30. H. Schürmann, P. B. Monkhouse, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “In-situ determination of alkali species released in pulverised coal combustion as a function of operating conditions and additives,” in 8th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, in 8th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment. 27.-30.06.2005, Lisbon/Portugal, 2005.
    31. H. Thorwarth, J. Beck, S. Unterberger, and G. Scheffknecht, “The adsorption and oxidation behaviour of mercury on the constituents of SCR DeNOx catalysts,” in 30th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, B. A. Sakkestad, Ed., in 30th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. Gaithersburg: Coal Technology Association, 2005.
    32. H. Thorwarth, V. Stack-Lara, S. Unterberger, and G. Scheffknecht, “The influence of fly ash constitutents on mercury speciation,” in Air Quality V, in Air Quality V. 15.-21.09.2005, Washington,  USA, 2005.
    33. H. Thorwarth, S. Unterberger, and G. Scheffknecht, “Trace element behaviour in air pollution control devices,” in Second International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies for our Future, in Second International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies for our Future. 10.-12.05.2005, Castiadas, Sardinia, 2005.
    34. S. Unterberger, In-furnace measurements and mathematical simulation studies for the optimisation of small scale wood combustion systems. in Berichte aus der Energietechnik. Shaker-Verlag Aachen, 2005.
    35. S. Unterberger, H. Thorwarth, D. Fitzgerald, and S. Mitchell, “Measurements of mercury behaviour and emissions at European power plants,” in Modern Power Systems 2005, in Modern Power Systems 2005. London, England, 2005.
    36. U. Vogt et al., “Quality assurance of air pollutant measurements during the BAB II field experiment,” Atmospheric Environment, vol. 39, no. 31, Art. no. 31, 2005.
    37. X. Wei, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “Behaviour of gaseous chlorine and alkali metals during biomass thermal utilisation,” Fuel, vol. 84, no. 7–8, Art. no. 7–8, 2005.
    38. T. Weißbach, M. Kurth, E. Welfonder, E. Haake, and R. Gudat, “Zum Einsatz modellgestützter Regelungen bei Dampfkraftwerksblöcken über große Lastbereiche zur Erhöhung der Manövrierfähigkeit - Teil I: Durchgeführte Voruntersuchungen,” in XXXVII. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, in XXXVII. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium. 18.-19.10.2005, Dresden: Techn. Univ., Inst. für Energietechnik, 2005.
    39. E. Welfonder, T. Frederking, and R. Ziegler, “Sustainable further evolution of the globalized society - required limitation of the economic, ecologic and demographic momentum,” in 16th IFAC World Congress, in 16th IFAC World Congress. 04.-08.07.2005, Prague, 2005.
  5. 2004

    1. G. Baumbach, U. Vogt, P. Bauerle, and K. Glaser, “Mass balancing by means of vertical and horizontal profiles determined with tethered balloon and airship soundings,” in Emissions of air pollutants, R. Friedrich, Ed., in Emissions of air pollutants. , Springer, 2004.
    2. J. Beck, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Deaktivierung von SCR DeNOx Katalysatoren durch Phosphorverbindungen,” in Sitzung des GVC Fachausschusses “Gasreinigung,” in Sitzung des GVC Fachausschusses “Gasreinigung.” 16.-17.02.2004, Karlsruhe: GVC, 2004.
    3. R. Berger, K. R. G. Hein, and T. Weimer, “Hochtemperatur-CO2-Absorption zur effizienten Braunkohleverstromung,” in Entwicklungslinien in der Energietechnik 2004, in Entwicklungslinien in der Energietechnik 2004. Bochum, 2004.
    4. R. Berger, C. Hawthorne, and K. R. G. Hein, “Hydrogen from European low rank coal : reducing CO2-emissions,” in Proceedings / 21st International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, in Proceedings / 21st International Pittsburgh Coal Conference. 13.-17.09.2004, Osaka, Japan, 2004.
    5. M. Diaz, “Mercury emission control in coal-fired plants : the role of wet scrubbers,” in 13th European Commission Energy Marie Curie Training Fellowships Conference, in 13th European Commission Energy Marie Curie Training Fellowships Conference. 17.-21.04.2005, Cork, 2004.
    6. M. Diaz, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Mercury emission control in coal-fired plants : the role of wet scrubbers,” in 7th ICMGP - International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, in 7th ICMGP - International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. 27.06.-02.07.2004, Ljubljana, 2004.
    7. B. Essig, E. Welfonder, and K. Hesselmann, “Reference designation system : a new standard also for chemical plants,” in PCIC Europe 2004, 1st European Conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Applications in the Petroleum and Chemical Industry, in PCIC Europe 2004, 1st European Conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Applications in the Petroleum and Chemical Industry. 27.-28.05.2004, Basle, Switzerland, 2004.
    8. B. Goblirsch, R. Berger, and G. Scheffknecht, “Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung bei kleinen Biomasse-Feuerungen - extern gefeuerte Prozesse,” in 14. DVV-Kolloquium, in 14. DVV-Kolloquium. 18.-20.11.2004, Wien, 2004.
    9. K. R. G. Hein and S. Unterberger, “Operation and emission during co-combustion of solid biofuels,” in Energetic utilization of biomass, M. Barz, Ed., in Energetic utilization of biomass. 08.-11-10.2004, Beijing: Science Press, 2004.
    10. K. R. G. Hein, “The contribution of coal to the future energy supply in Europe,” in 3rd International Symposium Energy and Environment, in 3rd International Symposium Energy and Environment. 30.09.-02.10.2004, Sorrento, 2004.
    11. K. R. G. Hein, “The role of biomass in large-scale heat and power generation,” in ATI 2004 “Generazione di Energia e cOnserVazione dell’Ambiente,” in ATI 2004 “Generazione di Energia e cOnserVazione dell’Ambiente.” 14.-17.09.2004, Genua: SGE - Servizi grafici editoriali, 2004.
    12. W. Kessel, B. Epple, G. Scheffknecht, and G. Dowden, “Design and commissioning experience of 2 x 900 MW supercritical boilers for WaiGaoQiao Shanghai,” in The 15th Conference on Electric Power Supply Industry, in The 15th Conference on Electric Power Supply Industry. 18.-22.10.2004, Shanghai, P. R. of China, 2004.
    13. M. Kübel, C. Gfrereis, J. Waizmann, M. Michel, and K. R. G. Hein, “Hydrogen rich syngas production from steam gasification of BCO in a FB reactor - gas composition and tar formation at various conditions,” in Second World Biomass Conference: Biomass for energy, industry and climate protection, in Second World Biomass Conference: Biomass for energy, industry and climate protection. 10.-14.05.2004, Rome, Italy: ETA, 2004.
    14. T. Marquard-Möllenstedt et al., “New approach for biomass gasification to hydrogen,” in Second World Biomass Conference: Biomass for energy, industry and climate protection, W. P. M. van Swaaij, Ed., in Second World Biomass Conference: Biomass for energy, industry and climate protection. 10.-14.05.2004, Rome, Italy: ETA, 2004.
    15. T. Marquard-Möllenstedt et al., “Wasserstoffherstellung durch absorptionsunterstützte Wasserdampf-Vergasung von Biomasse,” in Beiträge zur DGMK-Fachbereichstagung Energetische Nutzung von Biomassen, W. Adlhoch, Ed., in Beiträge zur DGMK-Fachbereichstagung Energetische Nutzung von Biomassen. DGMK, 2004.
    16. M. Michel, J. Waizmann, R. Berger, M. Specht, and T. Marquard-Möllenstedt, “Wasserdarmpfvergasung mit Hilfe eines absorptiven Bettmaterials zur Herstellung wasserstoffreicher Gase aus Biomasse,” in Internationaler Deutscher Wasserstoff Energietag, in Internationaler Deutscher Wasserstoff Energietag. 11.02.2004, Essen, 2004.
    17. R. Neifer and E. Welfonder, “Experimentelle Ermittlung des Elektroenergiebedarfs von Gebäudezentren und resultierende Einsparmöglichkeiten,” in VDE-Kongress: Innovationen für Menschen, G. Gerlach, Ed., in VDE-Kongress: Innovationen für Menschen. 18.-20.10.2004, Berlin: VDE-Verl., 2004.
    18. C. Sauer, O. Greißl, U. Schnell, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Influence of combustion side heat transfer on the steam generation process in parallel tubes of a utility boiler,” in International Conference - Refractories, Furnaces and Thermal Insulations, in International Conference - Refractories, Furnaces and Thermal Insulations. 08.-10.06.2004, Podbanske, Slovakia, 2004.
    19. G. Scheffknecht, “Effizienzsteigerung bei Dampfkraftwerken,” in Tagung “Effizienzsteigerung von konventionellen und nuklearen Kraftwerken,” in Tagung “Effizienzsteigerung von konventionellen und nuklearen Kraftwerken.” 18.-19.11.2004, Düsseldorf. VDI-Berichte 1862: VDI-Verl., 2004.
    20. M. Struschka, G. Baumbach, and V. Weiss, “Feinstaub - Emissionsfaktoren und Emissionsaufkommen bei kleinen und mittleren Feuerungsanlagen,” Immissionsschutz, vol. 9, pp. 17–22, 2004.
    21. S. Unterberger, H. Thorwarth, J. Beck, and K. R. G. Hein, “Quecksilberemissionen aus Kohlekraftwerken - aktueller Stand und laufende Forschungsvorhaben,” in VDI Seminar Quecksilber - Emissionen, Mess- und Minderungstechniken, in VDI Seminar Quecksilber - Emissionen, Mess- und Minderungstechniken. 13.-14.10.2004, Ratingen, 2004.
    22. S. Unterberger and K. R. G. Hein, “Recent European research activities and operating experiences in biomass co-firing,” in 29th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, in 29th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. 18.04.2004, Clearwater, Florida: Coal Technology Association, 2004.
    23. E. Vilas, U. Skifter, A. Jensen, C. Lopez, J. Maier, and P. Glarborg, “Experimental and modeling study of biomass reburning,” Energy & fuels, vol. 18, no. 5, Art. no. 5, 2004, doi:
    24. X. Wei, U. Schnell, X. Han, and K. R. G. Hein, “Interactions of CO, HCI, and SOx in pulverised coal flames,” Fuel, vol. 83, no. 9, Art. no. 9, 2004, doi:
    25. X. Wei, C. Lopez, T. von Puttkamer, U. Schnell, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Release of chlorine and its relention in ash during co-combustion of biomass and coal in a pulverized fuel combustor,” Clean air, vol. 5, no. 1, Art. no. 1, 2004, doi:
    26. B. Weidmann and M. Kurth, “Abfangen von Dampfkraftwerksblöcken im Eigenbedarf und Teilnetzwiederaufbau,” in 7. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung: Innovationen für Menschen, in 7. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung: Innovationen für Menschen. 18.-20.10.2004, Berlin, 2004.
    27. E. Welfonder, M. Kurth, H.-B. Tillmann, C. Hodurek, H. Radtke, and J. Nielsen, “Dual electric power supply with increasing wind power generation, requirement for an advanced secondary control concept,” in CIGRE 2004 Session, in CIGRE 2004 Session. Paris: Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Electriques, 2004.
    28. E. Welfonder and M. Kurth, “Notwendige Begrenzungsregel- und -steuerungskonzepte bei Kraftwerk und Netz,” in 7. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung: Innovationen für Menschen, in 7. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung: Innovationen für Menschen. 18.-20.10.2004, Berlin: VDE-Verl., 2004.
    29. N. Wolski, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Fine particle formation from co-combustion of sewage sludge and bituminous coal,” in Air Quality III: Mercury, Trace Elements and Particulate Matter, in Air Quality III: Mercury, Trace Elements and Particulate Matter. 2004, pp. 673–686. doi:
  6. 2003

    1. J. Beck, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Deactivation mechanisms of SCR - catalysts during the co-combustion of bio-residues,” in 2003 Conference on Selective Catalytic Reduction and Non-Catalytic Reduction for NOx Control : proceedings, in 2003 Conference on Selective Catalytic Reduction and Non-Catalytic Reduction for NOx Control : proceedings. 29.-30.10.2003, Pittsburgh, USA: National Energy Technology Laboratory, 2003.
    2. J. Beck, M. Hocquel, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Mercury oxidation across SCR catalysts of flue gas with varity HCl concentrations,” in Combined Power Plant Air Pollutant Control Mega Symposium, in Combined Power Plant Air Pollutant Control Mega Symposium. Air & Waste Management Association, 2003.
    3. A. Benöhr, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Konzepte für die optimierte Verbrennungsführung der Druckkohlenstaubfeuerung hinsichtlich der Stickoxidemission,” in VGB-Konferenz: Kraftwerke im Wettbewerb - Technik, Betrieb und Umwelt 2003, in VGB-Konferenz: Kraftwerke im Wettbewerb - Technik, Betrieb und Umwelt 2003. 19.-20.03.2003, Köln: VGB-Powertech, 2003.
    4. A. Benöhr, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “The fate of nitrogen during pressurised pulverised coal combustion : concepts for low Nox combustion for high efficient pressurised coal fired combined cycles,” in 5th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, X. Xu, Ed., in 5th International Symposium on Coal Combustion. November 2003, Nanjing,  China: Southeast University Press, 2003.
    5. R. Berger, K. R. G. Hein, T. Weimer, and M. Specht, “High temperature CO2 absorption process offering new prospects in fuel chemistry,” in International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovation 2003,” in International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovation 2003.” Tashkent: Technical University of Tashkent, 2003.
    6. R. Berger, K. R. G. Hein, T. Weimer, and M. Specht, “High temperature CO2-absorption: a process offering new prospects in fuel chemistry,” in 5th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, in 5th International Symposium on Coal Combustion. 23.-26.11.2003, Nanjing, China: Southeast University Press, 2003.
    7. R. Berger, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Heizkraftwerke auf Biomassebasis,” VGB PowerTech, vol. 83, 2003.
    8. M. Diaz, “Trace element behavior in wet flue gas desulphurisation units - 1. experimental device,” in 11th Marie Curie Research Training Fellowship Conference, in 11th Marie Curie Research Training Fellowship Conference. May 2003, Hveragerdi, Island: Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre, Universit, 2003.
    9. V. M. Gremyachkin and F. Rückert, “Regimes of porous carbon particle combustion in oxygen,” in European Combustion Meeting (ECM), in European Combustion Meeting (ECM). 25.-28.10.2003, Orléans, France: Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh (USA), 2003.
    10. R. Gudat, U. Schulz, B. Weidmann, M. Kurth, and E. Welfonder, “Handlungsvorgaben zum Teilnetzwiederaufbau ohne Spannungsvorgabe von außen,” in 6. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung: Sichere und zuverlässige Systemführung von Kraftwerk und Netz im Zeichen der Deregulierung, in 6. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung: Sichere und zuverlässige Systemführung von Kraftwerk und Netz im Zeichen der Deregulierung. 21.-22.05.2003, München. VDI-Berichte 1747: VDI-Verl., 2003.
    11. X. Han, M. Hocquel, U. Schnell, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Modelling of dry desulfurization process with calcium-based additive in pulverized coal furnaces,” in 5th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, in 5th International Symposium on Coal Combustion. 23.-26.11.2003, Nanjing, China: Southeast University Press, 2003.
    12. K. R. G. Hein, S. Unterberger, R. Berger, and J. Maier, “Biomass utilisation in Europe - present status and future options,” in 28th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilisation and Fuel Systems, in 28th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilisation and Fuel Systems. 10.-13.03.2003, Clearwater, USA, 2003.
    13. K. R. G. Hein, “Future energy supply in Europe - challenge and chances,” in International Symposium on Utilisation of Coal and Biomass 2003, in International Symposium on Utilisation of Coal and Biomass 2003. Newcastle, Australia, 2003.
    14. K. R. G. Hein, “Future energy supply in Europe - constrains, perspectives and solutions,” in The proceedings of the 28th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, in The proceedings of the 28th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. 10.-13.03.2003, Clearwater, USA: Coal Technology Association, 2003.
    15. K. R. G. Hein, “Large scale fuel utilisation to meet future energy requirements,” in 5th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, in 5th International Symposium on Coal Combustion. 23.-26.11.2003, Nanjing, China: Southeast University Press, 2003.
    16. K. R. G. Hein, “Sustainable energy in a changing society,” in India Power Forum, Renewable Energy Summit 2002, in India Power Forum, Renewable Energy Summit 2002. September 26th & 27th, 2002, New Delhi: Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, 2003.
    17. K. R. G. Hein, “Sustainable energy supply in Europe - strategies and consequences for research and development,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering - 2003, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering - 2003. 09.-13.11.2003, Kobe, Japan: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003.
    18. T. Hilber, W. Scheurer, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Co-grinding of coal and solid recovered fuels for thermal utilisation in coal fired power plants : a method to evaluate the impact on grinding efficiency,” in 4th International Symposium on Waste Treatment Technologies, in 4th International Symposium on Waste Treatment Technologies. 29.06.-02.07.2003, Sheffield, UK, 2003.
    19. M. Kurth and E. Welfonder, “Ausreichende Bedämpfung von Netzpendelungen auch bei deregulierter Marktwirtschaft und Verbundnetz-Erweiterung,” in 6. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung: Sichere und zuverlässige Systemführung von Kraftwerk und Netz im Zeichen der Deregulierung, in 6. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung: Sichere und zuverlässige Systemführung von Kraftwerk und Netz im Zeichen der Deregulierung. 21.-22.05.2003, München. VDI-Berichte 1747: VDI-Verlag, 2003.
    20. M. Kurth and E. Welfonder, “Oscillation behaviour of the enlarged European power system under deregulated energy market conditions,” in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control 2003, K. Y. Lee and M. C. Shin, Eds., in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control 2003. 09.-12.06.2003, Seoul, Korea: Elsevier, 2003.
    21. B. Laipple and E. Welfonder, “Online-Validierung energietechnischer Prozesse unter Zulassung transienter Messdatenverläufe,” in GMA-Kongress 2003 Äutomation und Information in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft", in GMA-Kongress 2003 Äutomation und Information in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft". 03.-04.06.2003, Baden-Baden. VDI-Berichte 1756, 2003.
    22. C. Lopez, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Advanced biomass reburning in coal combustion systems,” in Endbericht ABRICOS, in Endbericht ABRICOS. , Brussels: Europäische Kommission, 2003.
    23. C. Lopez, S. Unterberger, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Brennstoffstufung zur Minderung der NOx-Emissionen von Kohlenstaubfeuerungen - Versuchsergebnisse mit biogenen Festbrennstoffen,” in VGB Konferenz Kraftwerke im Wettbewerb: Betrieb Technik und Umwelt, in VGB Konferenz Kraftwerke im Wettbewerb: Betrieb Technik und Umwelt. VGB Power Tech, 2003.
    24. C. Lopez, S. Unterberger, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Overview of actual methods for charaterisation of ash deposition,” in Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning - Fundamentals and Applications, in Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning - Fundamentals and Applications. May 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 2003.
    25. J. Maier, C. Lopez, and K. R. G. Hein, “Rauchgasseitige Heizflächenbeläge bei der Verbrennung fossiler und biogener Festbrennstoffe,” in Verminderung der Belagbildung in Kraftwerken, in Verminderung der Belagbildung in Kraftwerken. 27.-28.07.2003, Essen: Haus der Technik, 2003.
    26. T. von Puttkamer, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Holzaschen aus naturbelassenen biogenen Festbrennstoffen,” in Planung und Betrieb von Holzfeuerungen, in Planung und Betrieb von Holzfeuerungen. Universität Stuttgart, IVD, 2003.
    27. T. von Puttkamer, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Schadstoffströme bei der Verbrennung naturbelassener Hölzer und holzartiger Biomassen im Hinblick auf die Ascheentsorgung,” in Reihe Abfall, no. 76, in Reihe Abfall. , Stuttgart: Baden-Württemberg, Ministerium für Umwelt und Verkehr, 2003.
    28. R. Reed, J. Bock, M. Hocquel, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “How effective are SCRs for mercury removal?,” Modern power systems, vol. 23, no. 11, Art. no. 11, 2003.
    29. F. Rückert, T. Sabel, U. Schnell, K. R. G. Hein, and B. Risio, “Comparison of different global reaction mechanisms for coal-fired utility boilers,” Progress in computational fluid dynamics, vol. 3, no. 2–4, Art. no. 2–4, 2003, doi:
    30. W. Scheurer, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Combustion performance, residue and deposit analysis of trial burns in  a pilot scale dry bottom furnace with coal and RDF,” in International Conference of Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies, in International Conference of Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies. 12.-16.05.2003, Orlando, Florida: University of Maryland, 2003.
    31. W. Scheurer, T. Hilber, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Quality of secondary fuels for pulverised fuel co-combustion,” Europäische Kommission, 2003.
    32. W. Scheurer, Ch. Deeg, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Verbrennungsverhalten von Sekundärbrennstoffen aus Hausmüll bei der Mitverbrennung in Kohlenstaubfeuerungen,” in VBG-Konferenz Kraftwerke im Wettbewerb - Technik, Betrieb und Umwelt 2003, in VBG-Konferenz Kraftwerke im Wettbewerb - Technik, Betrieb und Umwelt 2003. 19.-20.03.2003, Köln: VGB PowerTech, 2003.
    33. U. Schnell, C. Sauer, O. Greißl, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Charakterisierung des Betriebsverhaltens industrieller Kohlenstaubfeuerungen,” in 21. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen, in 21. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen. 09.-10.09.2003, Cottbus. VDI-Berichte 1750, 2003.
    34. H. Schürrmann, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Der Einfluss der Mitverbrennung von Biomasse in Kohlenstaubfeuerungen auf den Einsatz der Flugasche in der Bauindustrie,” in Kraftwerke im Wettbewerb - Technik, Betrieb und Umwelt 2003, in Kraftwerke im Wettbewerb - Technik, Betrieb und Umwelt 2003. Essen: VGB PowerTech, 2003.
    35. M. Struschka, W. Poppitz, and A. Bobeth, “Zusammenhang zwischen Partikelemissionen und Abgaszustand bei Chargenweise beschickten Feuerungsanlagen,” Immissionsschutz, vol. 8, pp. 4–12, 2003.
    36. J. Ströhle, F. Rückert, B. Risio, and U. Schnell, “A vectorised lagrangian particle model for the numerical simulation of coal-fired furnaces,” in Fifth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, E. Krause, Ed., in Fifth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering. Suttgart: Springer, 2003.
    37. J. Ströhle, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “Optimisation of the wide band correlated-k method for non-grey radiative transfer calculations in multidimensional enclosures,” in Eurotherm Seminar 73, in Eurotherm Seminar 73. 15.-17.04.2003, Mons, Belgium: Elsevier, 2003.
    38. S. Unterberger, R. Berger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Biomass combustion for reduced CO2 emissions in Germany - applied technologies and first operational experiences,” in International Nordic Bioenergy 2003 Conference, in International Nordic Bioenergy 2003 Conference. 02.-05.09.2003, Jyväskylä, Finland: Bioenergy Association of Finland, 2003.
    39. S. Unterberger, “Supporting biomass co-combustion for a cleaner power production,” in European bio-energy projects, 1999-2002, in European bio-energy projects, 1999-2002. , Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2003.
    40. S. Unterberger, M. Hocquel, and F. Heidelberg, “The effect of mineral oxides on mercury speciation,” in International Conference on Air Quality IV: Mercury, Trace Elements and Particulate Matter, T. A. Erickson, Ed., in International Conference on Air Quality IV: Mercury, Trace Elements and Particulate Matter. Grand Forks, N.D.: Energy & Enviromental Research Centre, 2003.
    41. X. Wei, X. Han, U. Schnell, J. Maier, H. Wörner, and K. R. G. Hein, “The effect of HCl and SO2 on NOx formation in coal flames,” Energy & fuels, vol. 17, no. 5, Art. no. 5, 2003, doi:
    42. Th. Weimer and R. Berger, “BHKW und Nahwärmenetze als ökologisches Allheilmittel?,” BWK - das Energie-Fachmagazin, vol. 55, pp. 62–98, 2003.
    43. E. Welfonder, M. Kurth, C. Hodurek, and H. Radtke, “Dual electric power supply with increasing wind power generation, requirement for an advanced secondary control concept,” in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control 2003, in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control 2003. 09.-12.06.2003, Seoul, Korea: Elevier, 2003.
    44. E. Welfonder, M. Kurth, and H.-B. Tillmann, “Duale elektrische Energieversorsorgung bei zunehmender Windkrafteinspeisung - Notwendigkeit eines erweiterten Sekundärregelkonzeptes,” in 6. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung: Sichere und zuverlässige Systemführung von Kraftwerk und Netz im Zeichen der Deregulierung, in 6. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung: Sichere und zuverlässige Systemführung von Kraftwerk und Netz im Zeichen der Deregulierung. 21.-22.05.2003, München. VDI-Berichte 1747: VDI-Verlag, 2003.
    45. N. Wolski, R. Berger, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Bubbling fluidized bed co-combustion of different sustainable fuels - trace element behaviour,” in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. 18.-21.05.2003, Jacksonville, Florida: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003, p. 131.
    46. N. Wolski, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Formation of fine particulate matter from co-combustion of predried lignite and sewage sludge at a semi-technical pulverised fuel combustion facility,” in Seventh International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, in Seventh International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment. 07.-10.07.2003, Lisbon, Portugal: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2003.
    47. N. Wolski, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Vergleich der Feinstpartikelentstehung aus der Mitverbrennung von Steinkohle und Braunkohle mit Klärschlamm in einem Versuchsreaktor,” in 21. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen, in 21. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen. 09.-10.09.2003, Cottbus. VDI-Berichte 1750: VDI-Verl., 2003.
    48. H. Wörner, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Appraisal and optimization of the combustion behavior and the potential of NOx-reduction of low volatile coals,” in Proceedings / Twentieth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, in Proceedings / Twentieth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference. 16.-18.09.2003, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2003.
    49. Y. Yuefeng, R. Berger, and K. R. G. Hein, “The moisture estimation of biomass fuel,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering -03, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering -03. 09.-13.11.2003, Kobe, Japan: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003.
  7. 2002

    1. M. Aho et al., “Toxic elements in biomass and waste fuels and their removal from the flue gases of fluidised bed boilers,” in European Conference on Biomass in Industry and Energy 2002, in European Conference on Biomass in Industry and Energy 2002. Amsterdam, 2002.
    2. R. Berger, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Heizkraftwerke auf Biomassebasis: Stand der Technik in Deutschland im europäischen Vergleich,” in VGB-Fachtagung Industrie- und Heizkraftwerke, BHKW 2002, in VGB-Fachtagung Industrie- und Heizkraftwerke, BHKW 2002. 2002.
    3. R. Berger, J. Sprich, K. R. G. Hein, F. Heidelberg, and R. Hesser, “Modified biomass combustion system for the application of stirling engines,” in Proceedings / European Stirling Forum, in Proceedings / European Stirling Forum. 18.-19.09.2002, Osnabrück: ECOS Ges. für Entwicklung und Consulting, 2002.
    4. M. Diaz, “Trace element behavior in wet flue gas desulphurisation units : wet FGD,” in 10th Marie Curie Fellowship Holder Meeting, in 10th Marie Curie Fellowship Holder Meeting. Teneriffe, Spain, 2002.
    5. A. Dreiseidler et al., “Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse verschiedener Partikelgrößen-Messverfahren,” in Neuere Entwicklungen bei der Messung und Beurteilung der Luftqualität, in Neuere Entwicklungen bei der Messung und Beurteilung der Luftqualität. 11.-13.06.2002, Düsseldorf. VDI-Berichte 1656: VDI-Verl., 2002.
    6. O. Greißl, C. Sauer, U. Schnell, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Optimierung des Betriebsverhaltens von industriellen Staubfeuerungensanlagen mittels moderner Messtechnik und Simulation,” in 16. Tecflam-Seminar: Ergebnisse aus dem Verbundprojekt Combustion Control and Simulation, in 16. Tecflam-Seminar: Ergebnisse aus dem Verbundprojekt Combustion Control and Simulation. 05.11.2002, Karlsruhe: Tecflam, 2002.
    7. K. R. G. Hein, “Combustion technologies for power stations : present status and future options,” in 6th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, in 6th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers. 02.-05.04.2002, Estoril, Lisboa, 2002.
    8. K. R. G. Hein, “New challenges for research in a changing energy market,” in 29. International Symposium on Combustion, in 29. International Symposium on Combustion. 21.-26.07.2002, Sapporo, Japan, 2002.
    9. K. R. G. Hein, “Share and chances of bio-fuels in the future energy market,” in India Power Forum, Renewable Energy Summit, in India Power Forum, Renewable Energy Summit. September 26th & 27th, 2002, New Delhi: Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, 2002.
    10. K. R. G. Hein, “Sustainable energy in a changing society,” in India Power Forum - Renewable Energy Summit 2002, in India Power Forum - Renewable Energy Summit 2002. 2002, p. 23.
    11. K. R. G. Hein, N. Wolski, and M. Hocquel, “The fate of trace elements in solid fuel conversion-research results and application prospects,” in 2th Trace Metal Workshop 2002, in 2th Trace Metal Workshop 2002. Yokohama, Japan, 2002.
    12. K. R. G. Hein, “The role of coal in a changing energy market,” in International Symposium “Energy and Environment 2002,” in International Symposium “Energy and Environment 2002.” 06.-08.06.2002, Capri: SGE, 2002.
    13. M. Hocquel, S. Unterberger, K. R. G. Hein, and J. Bock, “Behaviour of mercury in different gas cleaning stages,” in Proceedings / International Conference on Air Quality III, Mercury, Trace Elements, and Particulate Matter, in Proceedings / International Conference on Air Quality III, Mercury, Trace Elements, and Particulate Matter. 09.-12.09.2002, Arlington, USA: Energy & Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota, 2002.
    14. M. Hocquel, S. Unterberger, K. R. G. Hein, H. Appl, and T. König, “Dynamisches Verhalten von Hg an SCR-DeNOx-Katalysatoren,” in VGB-Fachtagung Thermische Abfallverwertung 2002, in VGB-Fachtagung Thermische Abfallverwertung 2002. VGB PowerTech Service GmbH, 2002.
    15. M. Hocquel, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Effects of mercury on SCR-catalyts,” in Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Selective Catalytic Reduction and Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction for NOx Control, in Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Selective Catalytic Reduction and Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction for NOx Control. 15.-16.05.2002, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: National Energy Technology Laboratory, 2002.
    16. M. Hocquel, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, Mitverbrennung von Klärschlämmen in Kohlestaubfeuerungen unter Berücksichtigung des gasförmigen Quecksilberanteils bei unterschiedlichen Rauchgasreinigungssystemen. in IVD-Berichte. Stuttgart: Univ. Stuttgart, Inst. für Verfahrenstechnik und Dampfkesselwesen, Brennstoffe und Messtechniken, 2002.
    17. M. Kübel, R. Berger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Biomass gasification - an option for SOFC fuel?,” in Proceedings / Fifth European Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum, J. Huijsmans, Ed., in Proceedings / Fifth European Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum. 01.-05.07.2002, Lucerne, Switzerland: European Fuel Cell Forum, 2002.
    18. H. Leibold, F. Rückert, R. Walter, H. Seifert, and K. R. G. Hein, “NOx-reduction by primary measures – experiences with the reconstructed combustion chamber of the TAMARA grate incineration plant,” in Proceedings / 2002 IT3 Conference, Twenty-first Annual International Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies, in Proceedings / 2002 IT3 Conference, Twenty-first Annual International Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies. 13.-17.05.2002, New Orleans, USA, 2002.
    19. X. Liu, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Experimentelle Korrosionsuntersuchungen von Biomassefeuerungen unter Berücksichtigung von Ascheablagerungen und Rauchgaszusammensetzung,” in Korrosion in energieerzeugenden Anlagen, in Korrosion in energieerzeugenden Anlagen. 18.-19.09.2002, Würzburg: VDI-Verlag, 2002.
    20. X. Liu, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “The kinetics and influence factors on chlorine-induced fireside corrosion in biomass combustion system. Part I: Corrosion kinetics regarding real metal loss in chlorine corrosion,” in 15th International Corrosion Congress: Frontiers in corrosion science and technology, in 15th International Corrosion Congress: Frontiers in corrosion science and technology. 22.-27.09.2002, Granada: CSIC, Spanish Council for Scientific Research, 2002.
    21. C. Lopez, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “NOx reduction by solid fuel reburning: pilot scale investigations,” in International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies for Our Future, in International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies for Our Future. 21.-23.10.2002, Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy, 2002.
    22. B. Meerbeck and E. Welfonder, “Nutzung der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung zum Ausregeln elektrischer Leistungsschwankungen im Minuten-/Stundenbereich,” in XXXIV. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium: Heizkraftwerke, thermische Kleinkraftwerke, Fernwärmeversorgung und Thermofluidmesstechnik, in XXXIV. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium: Heizkraftwerke, thermische Kleinkraftwerke, Fernwärmeversorgung und Thermofluidmesstechnik. 24.-25.09.2002, Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Energietechnik, 2002.
    23. R. Neifer and E. Welfonder, “Experimental investigation of time dependent load configurations inside of a power distribution system,” in 15th triennal World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, in 15th triennal World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control. 21.-26.07.2002, Barcelona, Spain, 2002.
    24. T. von Puttkamer, D. Kauter, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Analyseverfahren zur Bestimmung chemisch-stofflicher Brennstoffeigenschaften von Biomassen,” in DGMK-Fachtagung Velen V 2002, in DGMK-Fachtagung Velen V 2002. Velen: Dt. Wiss. Ges. für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V., 2002.
    25. T. von Puttkamer, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Energetische Nutzung von Stroh in einer Stabfeuerung,” in DGMK-Fachtagung Velen V 2002, in DGMK-Fachtagung Velen V 2002. Velen: Dt. Wiss. Ges. für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V., 2002.
    26. F. Rückert, U. Schnell, K. R. G. Hein, St. Bleckwehl, H. Leibold, and H. Seifert, “Simulation des Abbrandverhaltens in einem Batch-Prozess,” in Modellierung und Simulation von Dampferzeugern und Feuerungen, in Modellierung und Simulation von Dampferzeugern und Feuerungen. 05.-06.03.2002, Braunschweig. VDI-Berichte 1664: VDI-Verl., 2002.
    27. T. Sabel, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Application of quotient pyrometry to industrial pulverised coal combustion,” Experimental thermal and fluid science, vol. 26, no. 2–4, Art. no. 2–4, 2002, doi:
    28. C. Sauer, A. Berreth, B. Risio, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “Application of a porous cell model for the simulation of tube bundles in convective,” in 6th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, in 6th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers. 02.-05.04.2002, Estoril, Lisboa, 2002.
    29. W. Scheurer, U. Richers, H. Seifert, and K. R. G. Hein, “Present status and perspectives of co-combustion in German power plants,” Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry, 2002.
    30. H. Schürrmann, S. Unterberger, K. R. G. Hein, and P. B. Monkhouse, “On the application of laser spectroscopy for detection of gaseous alkalis during pulverised coal combustion,” in 6. European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, in 6. European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers. 02.-05.04.2002, Porto, 2002.
    31. F. Slemr et al., “Evaluation of modeled spatially and temporarily highly resolved emission inventories of photosmog precursors for the city of Augsburg : the experiment EVA and its major results,” Journal of atmospheric chemistry, vol. 42, no. 1, Art. no. 1, 2002.
    32. H. Spliethoff and K. R. G. Hein, “Combustion engineering measures to reduce Nox in pulverised coal-fired furnaces,” VGB PowerTech, no. 4, Art. no. 4, 2002.
    33. B. Staiger, S. Unterberger, R. Berger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Development of an air staging technology to reduce NOx-emissions in grate fired boilers,” in Dubrovnik Conference on Suistainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, in Dubrovnik Conference on Suistainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. 02.-07.06.2002, Dubrovnik: Energetika marketing, 2002.
    34. J. Ströhle and P. J. Coelho, “On the application of the exponential wide band model to the calculation of radiative heat transfer in one- and two-dimensional enclosures,” International journal of heat and mass transfer, vol. 45, no. 10, Art. no. 10, 2002, doi:
    35. X. Wei, C. Lopez, T. von Puttkamer, U. Schnell, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Assessment of chlorine-alkali-mineral interaction during co-combustion of coal and straw,” Energy & Fuels, no. 16, Art. no. 16, 2002.
    36. E. Welfonder, “Zusammenwirken von Kraftwerken und Netz bei deregulierter Energiewirtschaft,” VGB PowerTech, no. 3 und 4, Art. no. 3 und 4, 2002.
    37. N. Wolski, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Fine particle formation from co-combustion of sewage sludge,” in Proceedings / International Conference on Air Quality III, Mercury, Trace Elements, and Particulate Matter, in Proceedings / International Conference on Air Quality III, Mercury, Trace Elements, and Particulate Matter. 09.-12.09.2002, Arlington, USA: EERC, 2002.
    38. N. Wolski, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Trace metal partitioning from co-combustion of RDF and bituminous coal,” IFRF combustion journal, p. 16, 2002.
    39. H. Wörner, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Formation and reduction of NO: comparison of coals for unstaged, air staged and fuel staged combustion,” in Nineteenth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference proceedings, in Nineteenth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference proceedings. 23.-27.09.2002, Pittsburgh, Pa: Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 2002.
  8. 2001

    1. L.-E. Amand et al., “Co-combustion of dried sewage sludge and coal - the fate of heavy metals,” in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. 13.-16.05.2001, Reno, Nevada: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.
    2. H.-G. Barth and G. Baumbach, “Air quality and urban development in Izmir, Turkey,” Wissenschaftliche Schriften : Raumplanung, p. 170, 2001.
    3. G. Baumbach and U. Vogt, “Conception of air quality monitoring for uraban areas,” in 12th World Clean Air & Environment Congress and Exhibition, in 12th World Clean Air & Environment Congress and Exhibition. 26-31 August 2001, Seoul, Korea: International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Association and Korea Society for Atmospheric Environment, 2001.
    4. G. Baumbach, U. Zuberbühler, D. Straub, and M. Struschka, “Investigation of fine particle emissions from wood combustion devices,” in 12th World Clean Air & Environment Congress and Exhibition, in 12th World Clean Air & Environment Congress and Exhibition. Seoul, Korea: International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Association and Korea Society for Atmospheric Environment, 2001.
    5. G. Baumbach, U. Vogt, and K. Glaser, “Vergleichsmessungen von Ozon-Vertikalprofilen zwischen vier Lidar- und drei In-situ-Messsystemen,” in GKSS - Forschungszentrum 2001, in GKSS - Forschungszentrum 2001. 2001.
    6. J. Beck, J. Baum, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Materialuntersuchungen zur Entwicklung eines Hochtemperatur-Wärmeaustauschers in Kohlestaubfeuerungen,” in GVC-Fachausschuss Hochtemperaturtechnik, in GVC-Fachausschuss Hochtemperaturtechnik. 2001.
    7. A. Benöhr, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Untersuchungen zum Minderungspotentials der Stickoxidemission in der Druckkohlenstaubfeuerung,” in VDI-GET-Tagung 20. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen, in VDI-GET-Tagung 20. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen. 04.-05.09.2001, Essen. VDI-Berichte 1629: VDI-Verl., 2001.
    8. A. Benöhr, H. Schürmann, and J. Ströhle, Untersuchungen zur Verbrennung und Heißgasreinigung bei der Druckkohlenstaubfeuerung. in Verbundprojekt: DRUCKFLAMM, Untersuchungen zur Verbrennung und Heißgasreinigung bei der Druckkohlenstaubfeuerung. IVD, 2001.
    9. R. Berger, G. Baumbach, U. Demant, and H. Knosp, “Batch-operated gasification and oxidation process for the recovery of precious metals,” in 6th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, in 6th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment. 09.-12.07.2001, Edifício da Alfândega, Oporto (Porto), Portugal: Direcção-Geral da Energia, 2001.
    10. R. Berger, U. Zuberbühler, C. K. Gaegauf, and K. R. G. Hein, “Biomass combustion systems for combined heat and power applications with stirling engines,” in 10th International Conference on Sterling Engines, in 10th International Conference on Sterling Engines. Osnabrück, 2001.
    11. R. Berger, B. Staiger, O. Moersch, and K. R. G. Hein, “Kontinuierliche Teermessung - eine neue Technik zur Optimierung und Prozessüberwachung von Vergasern,” in Biomasseforum 2001, in Biomasseforum 2001. Glücksburg, 2001.
    12. R. Berger, H. Nagel, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Stable combustion of lean gas for advanced PFBC-cycle with staged combustion,” in 4th International Symposium “High Temperature Air Combustion and Gasification,” in 4th International Symposium “High Temperature Air Combustion and Gasification.” Rome, Italy, 2001.
    13. R. Cenni, B. Janisch, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Legislative and environmental issues on the use of ash from coal and municipal sewage sludge co-firing as construction material,” Waste management, vol. 1, pp. 17–31, 2001.
    14. R. Cenni, T. Gerhardt, B. Risio, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “The effect of combined combustion of bituminous coal and dried sewage sludge on the aerodynamics of combustion,” Environ. Comb. Tech., vol. 2, pp. 317–341, 2001.
    15. B. Coda, R. Berger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Sustainable utilisation of paper sludge for energy conversion: potential and environmental feasibility,” in Euro Conference “New and Renewable Technologies for Sustainable Developments” 2000, in Euro Conference “New and Renewable Technologies for Sustainable Developments” 2000. Madeira, 2001.
    16. B. Coda, K. Sandelin, R. Backmann, R. Berger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Trace element behaviour in co-firing coal, straw, paper sludge under bubbling fluidized bed conditions,” in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. 13.-16.05.2001, Reno, Nevada: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.
    17. B. Coda, M. Aho, R. Berger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Behavior of chlorine and enrichment of risky elements in bubbling fluidized bed combustion of biomass and waste assisted by additives,” Energy & Fuels, vol. 15, pp. 680–690, 2001.
    18. D. Foertsch et al., “Ein Vergleich verschiedener globaler Reaktionsmodelle anhand der Simulation eines kohlegefeuerten Großkraftwerkskessel,” in VDI-GET-Tagung 20. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen, in VDI-GET-Tagung 20. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen. 04.-05.09.2001, Essen. VDI-Berichte 1629: VDI-Verl., 2001.
    19. C. K. Gaegauf, U. Wieser, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Biomass burner designed to reduce nanoparticle emissions,” in International Conference “Thermochemical Biomass Conversion” - 1, in International Conference “Thermochemical Biomass Conversion” - 1. Tyrol/Austria, 2001.
    20. R. Gwinner and E. Welfonder, “Durchgängiger Informationsfluss von der Prozess-Planung bis zum Anlagen-Rückbau unter Nutzung der STEP- und Web-Technologie,” in VGB-Konferenz “Leit-, Informations- und Elektrotechnik im Kraftwerk 2001,” in VGB-Konferenz “Leit-, Informations- und Elektrotechnik im Kraftwerk 2001.” 09.-10.05.2001, Potsdam, 2001.
    21. X. Han, F. Rückert, U. Schnell, K. R. G. Hein, S. Koger, and H. Bockhorn, “Computational modeling of the NOx-reduction process by hydrocarbon reburning with reduced kinetics,” in 6th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, in 6th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment. 09.-12.07.2001, Edifício da Alfândega, Oporto (Porto), Portugal, 2001.
    22. K. R. G. Hein, “Research and development needs in a changing electricity market,” in Baltic-Finnish Conference, Energetics: From Research to Innovation 2001, in Baltic-Finnish Conference, Energetics: From Research to Innovation 2001. 01.-02.11.2001, Tallinn: Finnish Academies of Technology, 2001.
    23. T. Heinzel, C. Lopez, J. Maier, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Ash deposit and corrosion characteristics of coal-biomass blends in a 0.5 MW pulverised fuel test facility,” in International Conference “Effects of Coal Quality on Power Plant Management: Ash Problems, Management and Solutions,” in International Conference “Effects of Coal Quality on Power Plant Management: Ash Problems, Management and Solutions.” Park City, Utah, 2001.
    24. M. Hocquel, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Influence of HCl, SO2, CaO and catalytic material on the speciation of mercury,” in The Mega Symposium and The A & WMA Specialty Conference on Mercury Emissions, in The Mega Symposium and The A & WMA Specialty Conference on Mercury Emissions. 20.-23.08.2001, Chicago: Air & Waste Management Association, 2001.
    25. M. Hocquel, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Understanding mercury behaviour - a contribution to higher removal efficiencies,” in 3rd International Symposium on Incineration and Flue Gas Treatment Technologies, in 3rd International Symposium on Incineration and Flue Gas Treatment Technologies. 02.-04.07.2001, Hotel Le Plaza, Brussels/Belgium, 2001.
    26. M. Hocquel, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Verhalten von Quecksilberemissionen bei der Mitverbrennung von Klärschlämmen in Kohlestaubfeuerungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des gasförmigen Anteils,” 2001.
    27. F. Kluger, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Characterisation of the powder river basin (PRB) coal with respect to NOx in an entrained flow reactor,” in ASME International Joint Power Generation Conference & Exposition, in ASME International Joint Power Generation Conference & Exposition. 04.-07.06.2001, New Orleans: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.
    28. F. Kluger, J. Maier, K. R. G. Hein, J. Koenig, H. Brueggemann, and U. Priesmeier, “Verbrennung von vorgetrockneter Trockenbraunkohle - experimentelle Untersuchung feuerungstechnischer Maßnahmen zur Stickoxidreduktion,” in VDI-GET-Tagung 20. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen, in VDI-GET-Tagung 20. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen. 04.-05.09.2001, Essen. VDI-Berichte 1629: VDI-Verl., 2001.
    29. H. Knaus, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “Evaluation of the 3D-furnace simulation code AIOLOS by comparing CFD predictions of gas compositions with in-furnace measurements in a 210MW coal-fired utility boiler,” Progress in computational fluid dynamics, vol. 1, no. 1–3, Art. no. 1–3, 2001, doi:
    30. H. Knaus, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “On the modelling of coal combustion in a 550 MWel coal-fired utility boiler,” Progress in computational fluid dynamics, vol. 1, no. 4, Art. no. 4, 2001, doi:
    31. M. Kurth and E. Welfonder, “Oscillation behaviour of the European interconnected power system in a deregulated energy market,” Electrical engineering, vol. 83, pp. 335–341, 2001.
    32. H. Leibold et al., “Neugestaltung des Feuerraums einer halbtechnischen Hausmüllverbrennungsanlage zur primärseitigen Schadstoffminderung,” in VDI-GET-Tagung 20. Deutscher FlammentagVerbrennung und Feuerungen, in VDI-GET-Tagung 20. Deutscher FlammentagVerbrennung und Feuerungen. 04.-05.09.2001, Essen. VDI-Berichte 1629: VDI-Verl., 2001.
    33. X. Liu, T. Heinzel, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Fireside slagging and corrosion on superheater by firing lignite coals and coal blends in a PF boiler,” in 6th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, in 6th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment. 09.-12.07.2001, Edifício da Alfândega, Oporto (Porto), Portugal: Direcção-Geral da Energia, 2001.
    34. C. Lopez, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Pilot and lab scale tests for prediction of ash deposition,” in Conference on Power Production in the 21st Century: Impacts of Fuel Quality and Operations, in Conference on Power Production in the 21st Century: Impacts of Fuel Quality and Operations. 28.10.-02.11.2001, Snowbird, Utah, 2001.
    35. J. Maier and K. R. G. Hein, “Effect of pre-drying on P.F. combustion, fly ash and emission behavior of different European low-rank fuels,” in 18th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, in 18th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference. 03.-07.12.2001, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 2001.
    36. B. Risio et al., “Großkraftwerksmessung und 3D-Brennkammersimulation als Werkzeug zur Senkung der Betriebskosten im Kraftwerk Altbach/Deizisau der Neckarwerke Stuttgart AG,” in VDI-GET-Tagung 20. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen, in VDI-GET-Tagung 20. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerungen. 04.-05.09.2001, Essen. VDI-Berichte 1629, 2001.
    37. F. Rückert, J. Ströhle, T. Sabel, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “Advantages of combining different grid types for 3D furnace modelling,” in Sixth International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, in Sixth International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment. 09.-12.07.2001, Edifício da Alfândega, Oporto (Porto), Portugal: Direcção-Geral da Energia, 2001.
    38. T. Sabel, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Application of quotient pyrometry to industrial pulverised coal combustion,” in 5th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, in 5th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 24.-28.09.2001, Thessaloniki, 2001.
    39. K. Sandelin, B. Coda, R. Backmann, R. Berger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Melting of ash components in co-firing coal, straw and paper sudge under bubbling fluidized bed conditions,” in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. 13.-16.05.2001, Reno, Nevada: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.
    40. C. Sauer, A. Bundschuh, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “Gekoppelte Simulation des Feuerraums und Wasser/Dampf-Kreislauf in einem Großkraftwerkskessel,” in VDI-GET-Tagung: Computersimulation von Strömungen und Wärmetransportprozessen in der Energietechnik, in VDI-GET-Tagung: Computersimulation von Strömungen und Wärmetransportprozessen in der Energietechnik. 06.-07.02.2001, Düsseldorf, 2001.
    41. W. Scheurer, Ch. Spang, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Lab and semi-lab scale investigations on co-combustion of refuse derived fuel (RDF) in pulverised coal firings,” in 3rd International Symposium on Incineration and Flue Gas Treatment Technologies, in 3rd International Symposium on Incineration and Flue Gas Treatment Technologies. 02.-04.07.2001, Hotel Le Plaza, Brussels/Belgium: IChemE, 2001.
    42. U. Schnell, “Numerical modelling of solid fuel combustion processes using advanced CFD-based simulation tools,” Progress in computational fluid dynamics, vol. 1, no. 4, Art. no. 4, 2001.
    43. U. Schnell, S. Richter, and K. R. G. Hein, “Numerical simulation of slagging and fouling in a pulverized coal-fired utility boiler,” in United Engineering Foundation Conference on Heat Exchanger Fouling, in United Engineering Foundation Conference on Heat Exchanger Fouling. 08.-13.07.2001, Davos/Switzerland, 2001.
    44. H. Schürmann, S. Unterberger, K. R. G. Hein, P. B. Monkhouse, and U. Gottwald, “The influence of fuel additives on the behaviour of gaseous alkali-metal compounds during pulverised coal combustion,” in Faraday Discussion 2001, M. J. Pilling, Ed., in Faraday Discussion 2001. 10.-11.07.2001, University of Leeds, UK: Faraday Division, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2001.
    45. H. Spliethoff and K. R. G. Hein, “Biomass gasification in power industry - status and research,” in 13th International Flame Research Foundation (IFRF) Members Conference, in 13th International Flame Research Foundation (IFRF) Members Conference. 15.-18.04.2001, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 2001.
    46. H. Spliethoff, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Status of co-combustion of coal and biomass in Europe,” in 6th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, M. G. Carvalho, Ed., in 6th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment. 09.-12.07.2001, Edifício da Alfândega, Oporto (Porto), Portugal, 2001.
    47. J. Ströhle, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “A mean flux discrete ordinates interpolation scheme for general co-ordinates,” in Third International Symposium on Radiative Heat Transfer, in Third International Symposium on Radiative Heat Transfer. 17.-22.06.2001, Antalya/Turkey: Begell House, 2001.
    48. J. Ströhle, T. Sabel, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “Numerical simulations of coal-fired furnaces using a vectorized Lagrangian particle model coupled with the discrete ordinates method,” in 2nd Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer, in 2nd Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer. 20.-25.05.2001, Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, 2001.
    49. S. Unterberger, C. Lopez, and K. R. G. Hein, “EU-Project ‘Prediction of Ash and Deposit Formation for Biomass Pulverised Fuel Co-Combustion,’” in Conference on Power Production in the 21st Century: Impacts of Fuel Quality and Operations, in Conference on Power Production in the 21st Century: Impacts of Fuel Quality and Operations. 28.10.-02.11.2001, Snowbird, Utah, 2001.
    50. T. von Puttkamer, D. Kauter, S. Unterberger, K. R. G. Hein, and I. Lewandowski, “Analyseverfahren zur Bestimmung chemisch-stofflicher Brennstoffeigenschaften,” in 3. Stuttgarter Holzfeuerungs-Kolloquium: Brennstoffqualität - Feuerungen - Emissionen, in 3. Stuttgarter Holzfeuerungs-Kolloquium: Brennstoffqualität - Feuerungen - Emissionen. 20.09.2001, Stuttgart: IVD, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Dampfkesselwesen, 2001.
    51. X. Wei, C. Lopez, T. von Puttkamer, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “Release of chlorine and its relention in ash during co-combustion of biomass and coal in a pulverized fuel combustor,” in 6th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, in 6th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment. 09.-12.07.2001, Edifício da Alfândega, Oporto (Porto), Portugal: Direcção-Geral da Energia, 2001.
    52. E. Welfonder, “Zusammenwirken von Kraftwerken und Netz bei deregulierter Energiewirtschaft,” in VGB-Konferenz “Leit-, Informations- und Elektrotechnik im Kraftwerk 2001,” in VGB-Konferenz “Leit-, Informations- und Elektrotechnik im Kraftwerk 2001.” 09.-10.05.2001, Potsdam: VGB Power Tech Service GmbH, 2001.
    53. N. Wolski, R. Cenni, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Emission behaviour of particulate matter in coal and sludge co-combustion,” in Trace Element Workshop 2001, in Trace Element Workshop 2001. 11.-12.01.2001, Yokohama, 2001.
    54. N. Wolski, W. Scheurer, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Trace metal partitioning from co-combustion of RDF and bituminous coal,” in 13th International Flame Research Foundation (IFRF) Members Conference, in 13th International Flame Research Foundation (IFRF) Members Conference. 15.-18.04.2001, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 2001.
    55. U. Zuberbühler, G. Baumbach, and K. R. G. Hein, “Emission aus Holzfeuerungen - Sekundärmaßnahmen zur Staubabscheidung,” in Holz-Heizwerke in Baden-Württemberg, in Holz-Heizwerke in Baden-Württemberg. 13.07.2001, Rottenburg, 2001.
    56. U. Zuberbühler, G. Baumbach, D. Straub, and M. Struschka, “Fine particle emissions from wood combustion in different firing systems,” in 6th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, in 6th International Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment. 09.-12.07.2001, Edifício da Alfândega, Oporto (Porto), Portugal: Direccao-Geral da Energia, 2001.
  9. 2000

    1. A. Benöhr, C. Kuner, R. Kuhn, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Verbrennungsverhalten von Kohlenstaub und zur Stickoxidbildung in der Druckkohlenstaubfeuerung,” in Statusseminar “Druckflamm” 2, 2000, in Statusseminar “Druckflamm” 2, 2000. Aachen, 2000.
    2. F. Brickwedde, Ed., “Mitverbrennung von Biomasse in Kohlekraftwerken,” in 5. Internationale Sommerakademie St. Marienthal: Energie im 21. Jahrhundert, in 5. Internationale Sommerakademie St. Marienthal: Energie im 21. Jahrhundert. Ostritz/SN: Steinbacher, 2000.
    3. A. Bundschuh, B. Risio, T. Sabel, R. Berger, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “Simulation der Feuerung eines Großkraftwerks während verschiedener Lastzustände,” in Tagung “Modellierung & Simulation von Dampferzeugern & Feuerungen” 2000, in Tagung “Modellierung & Simulation von Dampferzeugern & Feuerungen” 2000. 14.-15.03.2000, Braunschweig. VDI-Berichte 1534, 2000.
    4. R. Cenni and K. R. G. Hein, “Partitioning of toxic metals during sewage sludge and coal co-firing,” in TOTeM 15/16, 2000, in TOTeM 15/16, 2000. Koebenhavn (DK), 2000.
    5. B. Coda, M. Klawa, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Energetic utilisation of paper sludge by means of co-combustion under fluidised bed conditions,” in Tagung “Wirbelschichtfeuerung und -vergasung” 2000, in Tagung “Wirbelschichtfeuerung und -vergasung” 2000. Cottbus, 2000.
    6. B. Coda and H. Spliethoff, “Technical and environmental feasibility of combined combustion of biomass with paper sludge under fluidised bed conditions,” in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy & Industry, S. Kyritsis, Ed., in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy & Industry. 05.-09.06.2000, Sevilla, Spain: James & James, 2000.
    7. B. Coda and L. Tognotti, “The prediction of char combustion kinetics at high temperature,” Experimental thermal & fluid science, vol. 1–3, pp. 79–86, 2000.
    8. K. R. G. Hein and W. Scheurer, “Co-combustion of biomass, wastes and residues with coal,” in EU Seminar “Use of Coal in Mixture with Wastes & Residues,” in EU Seminar “Use of Coal in Mixture with Wastes & Residues.” 19.-20.10.2000, Cottbus: BEO, Projektträger Biologie, Energie, Umwelt c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 2000.
    9. T. Heinzel, W. Scheurer, J. Baum, J. Maier, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “A comparison of dry ash removal PF and slag-tap furnace regarding biomass and sewage sludge co-combustion on the basis of pilot-scale tests,” in DGMK-Fachtagung Velen IV 4, 2000, in DGMK-Fachtagung Velen IV 4, 2000. Velen/Westf., 2000.
    10. T. Heinzel, W. Scheurer, J. Baum, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Combustion performance and residue analysis of trial burns in a pilot-scale slag-tap furnace with coals and waste fuels,” in IT-3 2000, in IT-3 2000. Portland (OR), 2000.
    11. T. Heinzel, W. Scheurer, J. Baum, J. Maier, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Ergebnisse aus Verbrennungsversuchen mit Klärschlämmen, Biomassen und Kohle in einer 300 kW(th) Zyklon-Schmelzkammerfeuerung : Betriebserfahrungen und Rückstandseigenschaften,” in Tagung “Wege des Abfalls,” in Tagung “Wege des Abfalls.” 10.-11.05.2000, Veitshöchheim. VDI-Berichte 1540: VDI-Verl., 2000.
    12. T. Heinzel, J. Maier, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Fuel, ash and deposit analysis of biomass and fuel blends from pilot-scale combustion tests,” in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry, in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry. 05.-09.06.2000, Sevilla, Spain: James & James, 2000.
    13. T. Herthan, O. Moersch, H. Spliethoff, R. Berger, and K. R. G. Hein, “The tar analyser - a suitable tool for the development and control of gasifiers and gas cleaning systems,” in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy & Industry, S. Kyritsis, Ed., in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy & Industry. London: James & James, 2000.
    14. M. Hocquel, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Bestimmung von Quecksilberspezies in Rauchgasen,” in 26. Ausstellungstagung ÄCHEMA 2000", in 26. Ausstellungstagung ÄCHEMA 2000". 22.-27.05.2000, Frankfurt/Main, 2000.
    15. M. Hocquel, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Mercury emissions from coal-sewage sludge co-combustion,” in 15/16 TOTeM Meeting, in 15/16 TOTeM Meeting. 6/2000, Copenhagen, 2000.
    16. M. Hocquel, S. Unterberger, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Verhalten von Quecksilber bei der Mitverbrennung von Klärschlämmen in Kraftwerken,” in Tagung “Wege des Abfalls” 2000, in Tagung “Wege des Abfalls” 2000. 10.-11.05.2000, Veitshöchheim. VDI-Berichte 1540: VDI-Verl., 2000.
    17. M. Hocquel, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Verhalten von Quecksilber in Rauchgasreinigungsanlagen,” in 17. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, in 17. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium. 24.-25.10.2000, Dresden, 2000.
    18. M. Hocquel, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Verhalten von Quecksilberemissionen bei der Mitverbrennung von Klärschlämmen in Kohlestaubfeuerungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des gasförmigen Anteils,” in BWPLUS-Statusseminar 2000, in BWPLUS-Statusseminar 2000. Karlsruhe, 2000.
    19. P. Honig and E. Welfonder, “Optimization of short-term scheduling of power plant units in large-scale cogeneration systems,” in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants & Power Systems Control 2000, in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants & Power Systems Control 2000. 26.-29.04.2000, Brussels/Belgium, 2000.
    20. D. Kauter, I. Lewandowski, and T. von Puttkamer, “Determination of the chemical composition of solid biofuels: Need of standardised methods and results from a round robin test,” in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry, S. Kyritsis, Ed., in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry. 05.-09.06.2000, Sevilla, Spain: James & James, 2000.
    21. F. Kluger, M. Hocquel, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Combustion of pre-dried brown coal (PBC) - experimental investigation of combustion engineering measures for nitrogen oxide reduction,” in AFRC International Symposium, in AFRC International Symposium. 17.-21.09.2000, Newport Beach (CA), 2000.
    22. F. Kluger, I. Gorges, J. Maier, H.-P. Schiffer, and K. R. G. Hein, “Experimentelle Simulation von Ascheansatzbildung mit Braunkohlen unterschiedlicher Qualität,” in Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium 32, in Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium 32. 24.-25.10.2000, Dresden, 2000.
    23. J. Maier and K. R. G. Hein, “Einfluss hoher Verbrennungstemperaturen auf das NOx- und SO2- Emissionsverhalten bei der Feuerung von extern getrockneter Braunkohle,” in GVC-Fachausschuss Energieverfahrenstechnik, in GVC-Fachausschuss Energieverfahrenstechnik. 2000.
    24. O. Moersch, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Tar quantification with a new online analyzing method,” Biomass & bioenergy, vol. 18, no. 1, Art. no. 1, 2000, doi:
    25. F. Pfeiffer, M. Struschka, G. Baumbach, H. Hagenmaier, and K. R. G. Hein, “PCDD/PCDF emissions from small firing systems in households,” Chemosphere, vol. 40, no. 2, Art. no. 2, 2000.
    26. F. Pfeiffer, M. Struschka, and G. Baumbach, Ermittlung der mittleren Emissionsfaktoren zur Darstellung der Emissionsentwicklung aus Feuerungsanlagen im Bereich der Haushalte und Kleinverbraucher, no. 2000,14. in Texte / Umweltbundesamt. Berlin: Umweltbundesamt, 2000.
    27. K. Pitscheider and E. Welfonder, “Konventionelle Dampfkraftwerke mit geregeltem Kondensatstaubetrieb - modellgestütztes Block-Führungs- und Regelkonzept,” in 5. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung “Netzregelung und Systemführung,” in 5. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung “Netzregelung und Systemführung.” 23.-24.02.2000, München. VDI-Berichte 1259: VDI-Verlag, 2000.
    28. K. Pitscheider, B. Meerbeck, and E. Welfonder, “Robust model-based unit control concept with regulated deactivation of preheaters and heat condensers,” in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants & Power Systems Control 2000, in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants & Power Systems Control 2000. 26.-29.04.2000, Brussels/Belgium, 2000.
    29. T. von Puttkamer, D. Kauter, S. Unterberger, K. R. G. Hein, and I. Lewandowski, “Bestimmung chemisch-stofflicher Brennstoffeigenschaften: Teil 1: Ringversuch zur Analytik biogener Festbrennstoffe,” in Eigenschaften biogener Festbrennstoffe, in Eigenschaften biogener Festbrennstoffe. 07.-08.11.2000, Stuttgart. Schriftenreihe “Nachwachsende Rohstoffe”: Landwirtschaftsverl., 2000.
    30. T. von Puttkamer, D. Kauter, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Round Robin on biomass fuels,” in 220th ACS national meeting, in 220th ACS national meeting. 20.-24.08.2000, Washington, D.C., 2000.
    31. T. Reichelt, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “In situ determination of fuel particle reaction rates by simultaneous measurement of particle temperature and size,” Chemical engineering & technology, vol. 23, no. 1, Art. no. 1, 2000.
    32. S. Richter et al., “Vorhersage des Verschmutzungsverhaltens von Kraftwerksfeuerungen,” in VGB-Konferenz “Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik,” in VGB-Konferenz “Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik.” 10.-12.10.2000, Düsseldorf, 2000.
    33. B. Risio, T. Sabel, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “Bewertung der Verlässlichkeit numerischer Vorhersagen zur rechnergestützten Optimierung von Großkraftwerks-Brennkammern,” in VGB-Konferenz “Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik,” in VGB-Konferenz “Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik.” 11.-12-10.2000, Düsseldorf, 2000.
    34. B. Risio et al., “Capabilities of AIOLOS in predicting the wall atmosphere in Altbach/Deizisau HKW2, of the Neckarwerke Stuttgart AG,” in 5. European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, in 5. European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers. 11.-14.04.2000, Porto: INFUB, 2000.
    35. F. Rückert, U. Schnell, K. R. G. Hein, B. Peters, L. Krebs, and H. Hunsinger, “Simulation verschiedener Feuerungsprinzipien einer Rostfeuerungsanlage,” in Tagung “Modellierung & Simulation von Dampferzeugern & Feuerungen” 2000, in Tagung “Modellierung & Simulation von Dampferzeugern & Feuerungen” 2000. 14.-15.03.2000, Braunschweig. VDI-Berichte 1534: VDI-Verl., 2000.
    36. T. Sabel et al., “Full scale measurements and mathematical modelling studies for the investigation of the combustion behaviour of a modern bituminous coal-fired boiler,” in 5th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, in 5th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers. 11.-14.04.2000, Porto: INFUB, 2000.
    37. T. Sabel et al., “New measuring technologies and numerical simulation for the characterisation of modern bituminous coal-fired boilers,” in The proceedings of the 25th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, B. A. Sakkestad, Ed., in The proceedings of the 25th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. 06.-09.03.2000, Clearwater, Florida, USA: Coal & Slurry Technology Association, 2000.
    38. K. Sandelin, B. Coda, and R. Backmann, “Ash and trace element chemistry in combustion processes,” in Annual Meeting of the Process Chemistry Group, Aabo Akademi University, in Annual Meeting of the Process Chemistry Group, Aabo Akademi University. 2000.
    39. Ch. Sauer, A. Wauschkuhn, A. Bundschuh, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “Detaillierte gekoppelte Prozesssimulation eines Großkraftwerks,” in VGB-Konferenz “Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik 2000,” in VGB-Konferenz “Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik 2000.” 10.-12.10.2000, Düsseldorf, 2000.
    40. W. Scheurer, U. Richers, J. Maier, K. R. G. Hein, and H. Seifert, “Gegenwärtiger Stand und Perspektiven der Mitverbrennung in deutschen Kraftwerken,” in Tagung “Wege des Abfalls,” in Tagung “Wege des Abfalls.” 10.-11.05.2000, Veitshöchheim. VDI-Berichte 1540: VDI-Verl., 2000.
    41. W. Scheurer, Ch. Spang, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Mitverbrennung von RDF in einer 500 kWth Kohlenstaubfeuerung,” in VGB-Konferenz “Thermische Abfallbehandlung,” in VGB-Konferenz “Thermische Abfallbehandlung.” Essen, 2000.
    42. W. Scheurer, U. Richers, J. Maier, K. R. G. Hein, and H. Seifert, “Stand der thermischen Nutzung von Sekundärbrennstoffen in Kraftwerken,” Entsorgungspraxis, vol. 18, no. 4, Art. no. 4, 2000.
    43. W. Scheurer, U. Richers, H. Spliethoff, K. R. G. Hein, and H. Seifert, “Status and perspectives of co-combustion of waste materials in coal-fired power plants in Germany,” in IT-3 2000, in IT-3 2000. Portland (OR), 2000.
    44. W. Scheurer, U. Richers, H. Spliethoff, K. R. G. Hein, and H. Seifert, Untersuchungen zum Stand der Mitverbrennung von Klärschlamm, Hausmüll und Biomasse in Kohlekraftwerken. Stuttgart: Inst. für Verfahrenstechnik und Dampfkesselwesen, 2000.
    45. U. Schnell, S. Unterberger, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Experimentelle und simulationsgestützte Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung und Optimierung von schadstoffarmen Kohlekraftwerken,” in TECFLAM-Seminar: Ergebnisse aus der Verbrennungsforschung, in TECFLAM-Seminar: Ergebnisse aus der Verbrennungsforschung. 16.11.2000, Karlsruhe: Teclam, 2000.
    46. H. Schürmann, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Messung gasförmiger Alkalien an einem Druckflugstromreaktor mit laserspektroskopischer Messtechnik,” in 2. Statusseminar Druckflamm: Entwicklung eines kohlegefeuerten Gas- und Dampfturbinenprozesses mit Flüssigascheabscheidung, K. Hannes, Ed., in 2. Statusseminar Druckflamm: Entwicklung eines kohlegefeuerten Gas- und Dampfturbinenprozesses mit Flüssigascheabscheidung. 02.11.2000, Eurogress Aachen, 2000.
    47. H. Spliethoff, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Slagging and fouling in coal combustion and biomass co-combustion,” in TOTeM 15/16 2000, in TOTeM 15/16 2000. Koebenhavn (DK), 2000.
    48. H. Spliethoff, U. Greul, and K. R. G. Hein, “The effect of coal rank on low-NOx combustion,” Clean air, 2000.
    49. C. Storm, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Gasification and pyrolysis of biomass for the generation of a reburn gas for combustion in coal-fired boilers,” in DGMK-Fachtagung Velen IV 4, 2000, in DGMK-Fachtagung Velen IV 4, 2000. Velen/Westf., 2000.
    50. C. Storm, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Generation of a gaseous fuel by gasification of biomass for use as reburn gas in coal-fired boilers,” in Tagung “Wirbelschichtfeuerung und -vergasung” 2000, in Tagung “Wirbelschichtfeuerung und -vergasung” 2000. 19.-20.10.2000, Cottbus, 2000.
    51. C. Storm, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Generation of a gaseous fuel by gasification or pyrolysis of biomass for the use as reburn gas in coal-fired boilers,” in 5th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, in 5th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers. 11.-14.04.2000, Porto/Portugal, 2000.
    52. C. Storm, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Generation of a gaseous fuel by pyrolysis of biomass and sewage sludge for use as reburn gas in coal-fired boilers,” in Conference “Clean Air” 2000, in Conference “Clean Air” 2000. Lisboa, 2000.
    53. C. Storm, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Generation of a gaseous fuel by pyrolysis of biomass for use as reburn gas in coal-fired boilers,” in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy & Industry, in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy & Industry. 05.-09.06.2000, Sevilla, Spain: James & James, 2000.
    54. C. Storm, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Generation of a gaseous fuel by pyrolysis or gasification of biomass for use as reburn gas in coal-fired boilers,” in Conf. (Eur.) “New and Renewable Technologies for Sustainable Developments,” in Conf. (Eur.) “New and Renewable Technologies for Sustainable Developments.” Madeira, 2000.
    55. C. Storm, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Pyrolysis and gasification of sewage sludge as thermal pre-treatment for co-combustion in coal-fired boilers,” in IT-3 2000, in IT-3 2000. Portland (OR), 2000.
    56. C. Storm, S. Unterberger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Pyrolysis of biomass as pre-treatment for the use as reburn fuel in coal-fired boilers,” in 5th International Conference on Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, A. V. Bridgwater, Ed., in 5th International Conference on Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, vol. 2. 17.-22.09.2000, Telfs, Tyrol/Austria: Blackwell Science, 2000.
    57. J. Ströhle, H. Knaus, U. Schnell, and K. R. G. Hein, “A radiation model for the numerical simulation of coal-fired furnaces using body-fitted grids,” Combustion science and technology, vol. 153, no. 1, Art. no. 1, 2000, doi:
    58. S. Unterberger, T. Heinzel, C. Storm, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Co-utilisation of coal and biomass in combustion systems,” in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry, S. Kyritsis, Ed., in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry. 05.-09.06.2000, Sevilla, Spain: James & James, 2000.
    59. S. Unterberger, R. Berger, and K. R. G. Hein, “On the application of measurements and modelling studies for the optimisation of mixing and combustion processes in small scale wood heaters,” in Small Burner Technology & Heating Equipment 2, 2000, in Small Burner Technology & Heating Equipment 2, 2000, vol. 2. 16.-17.03.2000, Stuttgart, 2000.
    60. S. Unterberger, C. K. Gaegauf, R. Berger, and K. R. G. Hein, “Profile measurements and modelling studies for the optimisation of combustion processes in wood-firing systems,” in 5th International Conference on Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, in 5th International Conference on Thermochemical Biomass Conversion. 17.-22.09.2000, Telfs, Tyrol/Austria, 2000.
    61. S. Unterberger, H. Spliethoff, and K. R. G. Hein, “Zufeuerung von Biomasse in Kohlekraftwerken,” in Tagung “Erneuerbare Energien 2000 Stromerzeugung aus Biomasse,” in Tagung “Erneuerbare Energien 2000 Stromerzeugung aus Biomasse.” 2000.
    62. A. Wauschkuhn, U. Schnell, K. R. G. Hein, M. Doering, and G. Scheffknecht, “Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Verhalten innenberippter Verdampferrohre,” in VGB-Konferenz “Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik 2000,” in VGB-Konferenz “Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik 2000.” 10.-12.10.2000, Düsseldorf, 2000.
    63. E. Welfonder and M. Spanner, “Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung des Dämpfungsverhaltens von Netzpendelungen bei erhöhtem Leistungstransit,” in 5. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung “Netzregelung und Systemführung,” in 5. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung “Netzregelung und Systemführung.” 23.-24.02.2000, München. VDI-Berichte 1259: VDI-Verlag, 2000.
    64. E. Welfonder, “Prozess- und informationstechnische Interaktionen zwischen Energieerzeugung, Handel/Versorgung und Netzsystemführung bei deregulierter Energiewirtschaft,” in 5. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung “Netzregelung und Systemführung,” in 5. GMA/ETG-Fachtagung “Netzregelung und Systemführung.” 23.-24.02.2000, München. VDI-Berichte 1259: VDI-Verlag, 2000.
    65. E. Welfonder and R. Gwinner, “STEP in the process, power and related industries – Ermöglichung durchgängiger Informationsflüsse bei Planung und Betrieb,” in VGB-Konferenz “Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik 2000,” in VGB-Konferenz “Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik 2000.” 10.-12.10.2000, Düsseldorf, 2000.
    66. E. Welfonder, “Unbundling and safe operation of power systems - solutions for the practice,” in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants & Power Systems Control 2000, in IFAC Symposium on Power Plants & Power Systems Control 2000. 26.-29.04.2000, Brussels/Belgium: Pergamon, 2000.
    67. N. Wolski, J. Maier, and K. R. G. Hein, “Activities on fine particles and trace elements from power plants,” in TOTeM 15/16, 2000, in TOTeM 15/16, 2000. Koebenhavn (DK), 2000.
    68. U. Zuberbühler, R. Berger, G. Baumbach, and K. R. G. Hein, “Combustion performance with residues of olive oil production in three different firing systems for decentral process heat generation,” in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry, S. Kyritsis, Ed., in 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry. 05.-09.06.2000, Sevilla, Spain: James & James, 2000.
    69. U. Zuberbühler and G. Baumbach, Entwicklung eines Feuerungskonzeptes zur Verbesserung des Ausbrandes bei gleichzeitiger NOx-Minderung bei der Holzverbrennung im gewerblichen Bereich. in BWPLUS “Projektträgerschaft Programm Lebensgrundlage Umwelt und ihre Sicherung” / Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Stuttgart: Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Dampfkesselwesen, 2000.
    70. Ö. Ünal, W. de Jong, H. Spliethoff, C. Kuner, H. Nagel, and K. R. G. Hein, “Vergleich von Braunkohle und Holz für verschiedene Druckwirbelschichtfeuerungen der 2. Generation,” in Tagung “Wirbelschichtfeuerung und -vergasung” 2000, in Tagung “Wirbelschichtfeuerung und -vergasung” 2000. 28.-29.03.2000, Cottbus. VDI-Berichte 1535: VDI-Verl., 2000.
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