Publications 2019

Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology

Theses and papers published in 2019


M. Tomasi Morgano, "Screw Pyrolysis of Biogenic Feedstock with Integrated Hot Gas Filtration". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2019.
Abstract, see

C. Ndibe, "Characterization of torrefied fuels for direct co-firing in large pulverized fuel boilers". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2019.

W. Juschka, "Modellgestützte Entwicklung von Kleinfeuerungen für feste Biobrennstoffe". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2019.
Abstract, see

F. Peters, "Untersuchung von partiellen Regenerationen in Dieselruß-Partikelfiltern von Kraftfahrzeugen". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2019.

H. García, "Modelling and Simulation of Pulverised Biomass Combustion". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2019.

R. Spörl, "Behavior of sulfur oxides in air and oxy-fuel combustion". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2019.
Abstract, see

M. Maurer, "Langfristanalyse von Netzpendelungen auf Basis einer Methode zur Online-Parameterschätzung". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2019.
Abstract, see

P. Nowak, "Combustion of Biomass and Solid Recovered Fuels on the Grate". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2019.
Abstract, see


Firing Systems

  1. F. Carrasco, S. Grathwohl, J. Maier, J. Ruppert, and G. Scheffknecht, “Experimental investigations of oxyfuel burner for cement production application,” Fuel, vol. 236, pp. 608–614, 2019, doi:
  2. A. Fuller, E. Miller, J. Maier, T. Glorius, G. Scheffknecht, and G. Sabnis, “Production and Use of Solid Recovered Fuel for a Resilient Solid Waste Management in Smart Cities,” International Conference on Futuristic, Resilient and Smart Urban Development’ FUTURA-ICON 19, 22-23 February 2019, Pune,  Maharashtra, India, 2019.
  3. A. Fuller, Y. Omidiji, T. Viefhaus, J. Maier, and G. Scheffknecht, “The impact of an additive on fly ash formation/transformation from wood dust combustion in a lab-scale pulverized fuel reactor,” Renewable Energy, vol. 136, pp. 732–745, 2019, doi:
  4. S. Kalisz et al., “Investigation of Deposit Formation in Steam Superheaters during Combustion of Halloysite doped Biomass,” Tagungsband 27th European Biomass Conference & Exibition (EUBCE 2019), 27 - 30 May 2019, Lisbon (Portugal), pp. 485–496, 2019, doi:
  5. T. Segersa, F. Normana, R. Youssefi, J. Maier, and F. Verplaetsena, “The Influence of Sieving on the Dust Explosion Characteristics of a Lignite Coal,” Chemcial Engineering Transactions, vol. 77, pp. 475–480, 2019, doi:
  6. R. Youssefi, J. Maier, and G. Scheffknecht, “Experimental Investigations on Biomass Ignition with the Support of a Plasma Torch,” Tagungsband: 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 17. - 18. September 2019, Bochum, 2019.

Fuels and Flue Gas Cleaning

  1. I. Masoomi, M. O. Schmid, and Günter. Scheffknecht, “Investigation of different measures to reduce Hg emission from wet flue gas desulfurization.,” 14th Multi-Pollutant Emissions From Coal Workshop (MEC 14), 28-30 October 2019, Hanoi (Vietnam), 2019.
  2. M. O. Schmid, I. Masoomi, G. Scheffknecht, A. Yukimura, and K. Ohtsubo, “Investigation of mercury behavior in the flue gas cleaning path of a lab-scale firing system.,” 14th Multi-Pollutant Emissions From Coal Workshop (MEC 14), 28-30 October 2019, Hanoi (Vietnam), 2019.

Air Quality Control

  1. G. Baumbach and G. C. Stehr, “Der Smog aus den Ger-Öfen in Ulan Bator / Mongolei,” Tagungsband 10. Fachgespräch “Partikelabscheider in häuslichen Feuerungen”, Straubing, Leipzig, 20.03.2019, pp. 80–83, 2019.
  2. B. Baumgarten, H. Thorwarth, F. Schott, D. Straub, U. Vogt, and G. Baumbach, “Entwicklung von Gewebefiltern für Holzfeuerungsanlagen mit Ultraschall- und Jet-Pulse-Abreinigung,” in Holzenergie-Tagung Baden-Württemberg 2019, 27.11.2019, Rottenburg am Neckar, H. für Forstwirtschaft Rottenburg, Ed., in Holzenergie-Tagung Baden-Württemberg 2019, 27.11.2019, Rottenburg am Neckar. 2019. doi:
  3. A. Maali, A. Samad, B. Laquai, and U. Vogt, “Measurement of the particulate matter distribution along the route of the rack rail using a low-cost sensor,” in 3rd International Symposium „Environmental process engineering and technologies“, Poster presentation, 08 November 2019, Stuttgart, U. Stuttgart, Ed., in 3rd International Symposium „Environmental process engineering and technologies“, Poster presentation, 08 November 2019, Stuttgart,. 2019. doi:
  4. M. Merizak, A. Samad, and U. Vogt, “Determination of the spatial distribution and vertical profiles of UFP and other pollutants in an urban area,” in 3. Symposium Ultrafeine Partikel in der Außenluft und in Innenräumen, 19.-20.09.2019, Berlin, T. Berlin, Ed., in 3. Symposium Ultrafeine Partikel in der Außenluft und in Innenräumen, 19.-20.09.2019, Berlin. 2019. doi:
  5. A. Samad and U. Vogt, “Assessment of urban air quality with mobile measurements using a bicycle (MOBAIR),” in 3rd International Symposium „Environmental process engineering and technologies“, Poster presentation, 08 November 2019, Stuttgart, U. Stuttgart, Ed., in 3rd International Symposium „Environmental process engineering and technologies“, Poster presentation, 08 November 2019, Stuttgart. 2019. [Online]. Available:
  6. A. Samad, U. Vogt, B. Laquai, A. Surgaylo, and G. C. Solis Castillo, “Investigation of low cost sensors for particulate matter and gases for the application in measuring the ambient air quality,” in 23rd International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, 15 - 17 May 2019, Thessaloniki/Greece, I. Transport and A. P. Conference, Eds., in 23rd International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, 15 - 17 May 2019, Thessaloniki/Greece. 2019. doi:
  7. D. Scherer et al., “Three-Dimensional Observation of Atmospheric Processes in Cities,” Meterologische Zeitschrift, pp. 121–138, Jun. 2019, doi:

Decentralized Energy Conversion

  1. R. Anghilante et al., “Innovative power-to-gas plant concepts for upgrading of gasification bio-syngas through steam electrolysis and catalytic methanation,” Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 183, pp. 462–473, 2019.
  2. Y.-H. Chen, M. Schmid, G. Waizmann, S. Hafner, and G. Scheffknecht, Tar reforming over CaO and straw char produced inherently in steam-oxygen biomass gasification processes using toluene as model component, vol. 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition: Gasification for synthesis gas production, 28 May 2019, Lisbon (Portugal). 2019.
  3. S. Hafner, M. Schmid, R. Spörl, and G. Scheffknecht, “Experimental Investigation of the Sorption Enhanced Gasification of Biomass in a Dual Fluidized Bed Pilot Plant,” Proceedings of the 27th European Biomass Conference (EUBCE), 27 - 30 May 2019, Lisbon (Portugal), 2019.
  4. S. Hafner, M. Schmid, and G. Scheffknecht, “Syngas production for DME synthesis from Sorption Enhanced Gasification of Biomass: A Pilot Plant-based Case Study,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies, 18. November 2019, Wien (Österreich), 2019.
  5. G. Hartfuß, M. Schmid, and G. Scheffknecht, “Anlagenkonzept zur Abwärmerückverstromung in Elektrostahlwerken mittels des CaO/Ca(OH)2-Wärmespeichermechanismus,” Tagungsband: 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 17. - 18. September 2019, Bochum, 2019.
  6. G. Hartfuß, M. Schmid, and G. Scheffknecht, “Abwärmenutzung in Elektrostahlwerken mittels thermochemischer Hochtemperaturenergiespeicherung (ASTHOS),” Prozesswärme 08/2019 (Tagungsband 11.12.2019 Essen), pp. 27–38, 2019.
  7. G. Hartfuß, M. Schmid, and G. Scheffknecht, “Waste heat recovery for EAF steelmaking via calcium based energy storage,” Proceedings of METEC & 4th ESTAD (European Steel Technology and Application Days), 24 - 26 June 2019, Düsseldorf, 2019.
  8. S. L. Homsy, R. W. Dibble, and J. Moreno, “The Influence of SO2 & H2O at Concentrations Relevant for HFO-Fired Power Plants on CO2 & SO2 Capture by Calcium Looping.,” 10th Trondheim CCS Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage (TCCS-10), June 2019, Trondheim (Norwegen), 2019.
  9. S. L. Homsy, R. W. Dibble, and J. Moreno, “Calcium Looping at Heavy Fuel Oil-Fired Power Plants: A Comparison of two Structurally Distinct Limestones.,” Conference Proceedings: 5th Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC5), 19 September 2019, Kyoto (Japan), 2019.
  10. T. Kertthong, M. Beirow, M. Schmid, and G. Scheffknecht, “Optimierung der Synthesegasqualität bei der Biomasse-Wirbelschichtvergasung: Nutzung von rezirkuliertem Methan,” Tagungsband: 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 17. - 18. September 2019, Bochum, 2019.
  11. J. Moreno, M. Schmid, and G. Scheffknecht, “Impact of co-combustion of coal and wheat straw on the oxy-fuel operation of a 230 kWth Calcium Looping CFB calciner,” Conference Proceedings: 5th Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC5), 19 September 2019, Kyoto (Japan), 2019.
  12. G. Waizmann, M. Schmid, and G. Scheffknecht, “Boosting the Biomass to SNG Conversion Efficiency by Methanation-Enhanced Gasification  –  Design of a 400 bar Test Rig,” Proceedings - REGATEC 2019 (6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology), 20 - 21 May 2019, Malmö (Sweden), pp. 137–138, 2019.

Power Generation and Automatic Control

  1. B. Müller, T. Paret, and H. Lens, “Redispatch potential of virtual power plants for transmission grid congestion management,” Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2019, 8.-9. Mai 2019, Esslingen, pp. 117–122, 2019.
  2. C. Schöll, J. Lehner, and H. Lens, “Bedeutung und messtechnische Bestimmung des Netzselbstregeleffekts,” in ETG-Fachbericht 160 der 13. ETG/GMA-Fachtagung “Netzregelung und Systemführung,” V.-V. GmbH, Ed., in ETG-Fachbericht 160 der 13. ETG/GMA-Fachtagung “Netzregelung und Systemführung,” vol. 160. Berlin: VDE-Verlag GmbH, 2019, pp. 104–109.
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