Publications 2009

Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology

Theses and papers published in 2009


A. Bari, "Investigation of Particulate Matter Originating from Wood Combustion in Residential Areas". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2009.
Abstract (in German)
J.-C. Loux, "Beeinflussung des Verschlackungsverhaltens biomassegefeuerter Kraftwerke". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2009.
Abstract (in German)
T. Weißbach, "Verbesserung des Kraftwerks- und Netzregelverhaltens bezüglich handelsseitiger Fahrplanänderungen". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2009.
Abstract, see
L. Al-Makhadmeh, "Coal Pyrolysis and Char Combustion under Oxy-Fuel Conditions". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2009.
A. Dreiseidler, "Untersuchung der Partikelimmissionen an einem städtischen Standort". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2009.
Abstract (in German)
F. Klumpp, "Energiewirtschaftliche Bewertung anfahrbedingt verursachter Instandhaltungskosten von Steinkohlekraftwerken". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2009.
Abstract (in German)
O. Greißl, "Betriebsoptimierung moderner Kohlenstaubfeuerungen zur Vermeidung von Feuerraumkorrosion". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2009.
Abstract (in German)
A. Maßner, "NOx-Minderung bei Dieselnutzfahrzeugen mittels Kombination von NOx-Speicherkatalysator und SCR-Katalysator". Dissertation Universität Stuttgart, 2009.

Firing Systems

  1. L. Al-Makhadmeh, J. Maier, and G. Scheffknecht, “Coal Pyrolysis and Char Burnout Under Conventional and Oxy-Fuel Conditions,” in Tagungsband: 24. Deutscher Flammentag, in Tagungsband: 24. Deutscher Flammentag. 16.-17.09.2009, Bochum. VDI-Berichte 2056, 2009, pp. 295–300.
  2. L. Al-Makhadmeh, J. Maier, and G. Scheffknecht, “Coal pyrolysis and char combustion under oxy-fuel conditions,” in Conference Proceedings: 34th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, B. A. Sakkestad, Ed., in Conference Proceedings: 34th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems. 31.05.2009-04.06.2009, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2009, pp. 112–123.
  3. G. Dunnu and J. Maier, “Co-combustion of biomass/SRF/RDF in power plants : practical experiences,” in Conference Proceedings: 4th International Bioenergy Congress, in Conference Proceedings: 4th International Bioenergy Congress. 20.-23.10.2009, Valladolid, Spain, 2009.
  4. G. Dunnu, J. Maier, and A. Gerhardt, Thermal Utilisation of Solid Recovered Fuels as part of an Integrated Waste Management Concept (Book: Appropriate Technologies for Environmental Protection in the Developing World). Springer, pp. 83-91, 2009.
  5. G. Dunnu, J. Maier, T. Hilber, and G. Scheffknecht, “Characterisation of large solid recovered fuel particles for direct co-firing in large PF power plants,” Fuel, vol. 88, no. 12, Art. no. 12, 2009, [Online]. Available:
  6. A. Fuller, A. Gerhardt, J. Maier, and G. Scheffknecht, “Evaluation of the Impact of Co-combustion on Ash Utilization, Fouling, Corrosion by Large Scale Co-firing of SRF in a CFB Boiler,” in Conference Proceedings: 34th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, in Conference Proceedings: 34th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems. 31.05.2009-04.06.2009, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2009, pp. 885–896.
  7. A. Gerhardt, E. Zepf, J. Maier, and G. Scheffknecht, “Untersuchung von Hochtemperaturkorrosion mit einer temperierten Materialsonde,” in Tagungsband: 24. Deutscher Flammentag, in Tagungsband: 24. Deutscher Flammentag. 16.-17.09.2009, Bochum. VDI-Berichte 2056, 2009, pp. 373–378.
  8. S. Grathwohl, O. Lemp, J. Maier, U. Schnell, and G. Scheffknecht, “Ein Brennerkonzept zum Einsatz unter Oxyfuel-Bedingungen,” in Tagungsband: 24. Deutscher Flammentag, in Tagungsband: 24. Deutscher Flammentag. 16.-17.09.2009, Bochum. VDI-Berichte 2056, 2009, pp. 301–306.
  9. A. Kather and G. Scheffknecht, “The oxycoal process with cryogenic oxygen supply,” Naturwissenschaften, vol. 96, no. 9, Art. no. 9, 2009, doi:
  10. L. Kun, G. Dunnu, and J. Maier, “Evaluation of the properties of the product gas generated from the gasification of solid recovered fuels,” Scientific bulletin of the University of Timisoara, Romania, no. 2, Art. no. 2, 2009.
  11. J. Maier, P. Mönckert, B. Dhungel, and G. Scheffknecht, “Formation and destruction of pollutants in the oxyfuel combustion process,” in Conference Proceedings: European Conference on CCS 2009, in Conference Proceedings: European Conference on CCS 2009. 10.02.2009, Oslo, Norway, 2009.
  12. J. Maier, L. Al-Makhadmeh, and G. Scheffknecht, “Formation and impact of gases sulfur components in an oxyfuel process,” in Conference proceedings: 2009 AIChE annual meeting, in Conference proceedings: 2009 AIChE annual meeting. 8th - 13th November 2009, Nashville, TN: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2009.
  13. J. Maier, “Pilot scale combustion testing - installation and operation of R & D test facilities under oxy-fuel conditions,” in Conference Proceedings: 1st Oxy-fuel Capacity Building Course, in Conference Proceedings: 1st Oxy-fuel Capacity Building Course. 05.02.2009, Daejeon, Korea: Asia Pacific Partnership Oxyfuel Working Group, 2009.
  14. S. Rehfeldt et al., “Basic experiments and CFD calculations of air and oxyfuel firing of lignite and bituminous coals in 0,5 and 1 MW scale combustion test facilities,” in Conference Proceedings: 34th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, in Conference Proceedings: 34th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems. 31.05.2009-04.06.2009, Clearwater, Florida, USA: Coal Techn. Assoc., 2009, pp. 91–102.
  15. G. Stein-Brzozowska, E. Miller, R. Kull, J. Maier, and G. Scheffknecht, “Vergleich der am IVD untersuchten Vorgehensweisen zur Bestimmung der Korrosionsmechanismen an ausgewählten Überhitzwerkstoffen unter Oxyfuel- Bedingungen,” in Tagungsband: 41. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium - Sichere und nachhaltige Energieversorgung, in Tagungsband: 41. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium - Sichere und nachhaltige Energieversorgung. 13. und 14. Oktober 2009, Dresden, 2009, pp. 393–401.

Fuels and Flue Gas Cleaning

  1. B. Beeh, K. Brechtel, and G. Scheffknecht, “Charakterisierung von Phosphorverbindungen im Brennstoff und Rauchgas bei der Nutzung von Brennstoffgemischen,” in Tagungsband: 24. Deutscher Flammentag, in Tagungsband: 24. Deutscher Flammentag. 16.-17.09.2009, Bochum. VDI-Berichte 2056, 2009, pp. 401–410.
  2. K. Brechtel, A. Schäffer, and G. Scheffknecht, “Experimental investigations of amine solvents in a laboratory column for CO2-scrubbing form flue gases of power plants,” in Tagungsband: Achema 2009, in Tagungsband: Achema 2009. 11.-15.05.2009, Frankfurt am Main, 2009.
  3. K. Brechtel, S. Unterberger, and G. Scheffknecht, “Laboratory investigations of polyamine solvents for CO2-scrubbing from flue gases,” in Conference Proceedings: Fourth International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies, CCT in conjunction with 3rd International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, R. M. Davidson, Ed., in Conference Proceedings: Fourth International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies, CCT in conjunction with 3rd International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies. 18.-21.05.2009, Dresden: IEA Clean Coal Centre, 2009.
  4. K. Brechtel, G. Scheffknecht, M. DiBlasi, and H. Thorwarth, “Measurements on parameters influencing the mercury speciation at SCR DeNOx catalysts,” in Conference Proceedings: Air Quality VII : an international conference on carbon management, mercury, trace substances, SOx, NOx, and particulate matter, in Conference Proceedings: Air Quality VII : an international conference on carbon management, mercury, trace substances, SOx, NOx, and particulate matter. 26.-29.10.2009, Arlington, Virginia, USA: Energy & Environmental Research Center, 2009.
  5. K. Brechtel, V. Stack-Lara, and G. Scheffknecht, “Mercury behaviour and SO2-SO3-conversion over new developed high-dust SCR-catalysts by investigations in a 500kWth test facility,” in Tagungsband: VGB-Konferenz Chemie im Kraftwerk 2009, in Tagungsband: VGB-Konferenz Chemie im Kraftwerk 2009. 27.-29.10.2009, Dresden: VGB PowerTech, 2009.
  6. K. Brechtel and G. Scheffknecht, “Praktische Umsetzung der Ergebnisse labortechnischer Untersuchungen zur Quecksilberoxidation an SCR-Katalysatoren,” in VDI Wissensforum “Messung und Minderung von Quecksilber-Emissionen,” in VDI Wissensforum “Messung und Minderung von Quecksilber-Emissionen.” 06.-07.05.2009, Düsseldorf, 2009.
  7. P. Galindo Cifre, K. Brechtel, S. Unterberger, and G. Scheffknecht, “Experimental studies on CO2 desorption from amine solutions,” in Conference Proceedings: 4th International Conference of Clean Coal Technologies, in Conference Proceedings: 4th International Conference of Clean Coal Technologies. 18.-20.05.2009, Dresden, 2009.
  8. P. Galindo Cifre et al., “Integration of a chemical process model in a power plant modelling tool for the simulation of an amine based CO2 scrubber,” Fuel, vol. 88, no. 12, Art. no. 12, 2009, [Online]. Available:
  9. A. Schäffer, K. Brechtel, and G. Scheffknecht, “Untersuchung von wässrigen Mehrkomponentenaminsystemen als Waschlösungen zur Abtrennung von CO2 aus Rauchgasen,” in Tagungsband: VGB-Konferenz Chemie im Kraftwerk 2009, in Tagungsband: VGB-Konferenz Chemie im Kraftwerk 2009. 27.-29.10.2009, Dresden: VGB PowerTech, 2009.

Combustion and Steam Boiler Simulation

  1. J. Hetzer, U. Schnell, and G. Scheffknecht, “Ein softwarebasiertes Brennstoffidentifikationssystem für Steinkohlekraftwerke,” in Tagungsband: 24. Deutscher Flammentag, in Tagungsband: 24. Deutscher Flammentag. 16.-17.09.2009, Bochum. VDI-Berichte 2056, 2009, pp. 411–414.
  2. G. Scheffknecht et al., “Detaillierte gekoppelte Simulation der Verbrennung und Dampferzeugung in Großkraftwerkskesseln,” in Tagungsband: VGB-Konferenz Kraftwerke im Wettbewerb 2009, in Tagungsband: VGB-Konferenz Kraftwerke im Wettbewerb 2009. 29.-30.04.2009, Prague, Czech Republic: VGB PowerTech, 2009.

Air Quality Control

  1. M. A. Bari, G. Baumbach, G. Scheffknecht, and B. Kuch, “Air pollution in residential areas from wood-fired heatings,” in Conference Proceedings: 2nd International conference on Environmental management, engineering, planning and economics (CEMEPE 2009) and SECOTOX Conference, in Conference Proceedings: 2nd International conference on Environmental management, engineering, planning and economics (CEMEPE 2009) and SECOTOX Conference. 21 - 26 June 2009, Mykonos: CEMEPE, 2009, pp. 1219–1224.
  2. M. A. Bari, G. Baumbach, G. Scheffknecht, and B. Kuch, “Characterisation of particle-phase wood smoke tracer compounds in ambient air of a residential area,” in Conference Proceedings: European Aerosol Conference 2009, in Conference Proceedings: European Aerosol Conference 2009. 06.-11.09.2009, Karlsruhe, 2009.
  3. M. A. Bari, J. Brodbeck, M. Struschka, G. Baumbach, B. Kuch, and G. Scheffknecht, “Importance of clean biomass combustion for the air quality in residential areas,” in Conference Proceedings: 1st International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology, in Conference Proceedings: 1st International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology. December 17-19, 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh: United International University, 2009.
  4. Md. A. Bari, G. Baumbach, L. Sarachage-Ruiz, and S. Kleanthous, “Identification of PM10 Sources in a Mediterranean Island,” Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus, vol. 9, no. 1, Art. no. 1, Apr. 2009, doi:
  5. Md. A. Bari, G. Baumbach, B. Kuch, and G. Scheffknecht, “Wood smoke as a source of particle-phase organic compounds in residential areas,” Atmospheric Environment, vol. 43, no. 31, Art. no. 31, 2009, [Online]. Available:
  6. S. Kleanthous, Md. A. Bari, G. Baumbach, and L. Sarachage-Ruiz, “Influence of particulate matter on the air quality situation in a mediterranean island,” Atmospheric Environment, vol. 43, no. 31, Art. no. 31, 2009, [Online]. Available:
  7. H. Pfeiffer, G. Baumbach, L. Sarachaga-Ruiz, S. Kleanthous, O. Poulida, and E. Beyaz, “Neutral modelling of the spatial distribution of air pollutants,” Atmospheric environment, vol. 43, no. 20, June 2009, Art. no. 20, June 2009, 2009, doi:
  8. G. Ulke, M. Arkouli, G. Baumbach, and W. Endlicher, “Structure and evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer in Buenos Aires and its relationship with air quality,” in Conference Proceedings: European Aerosol Conference 2009, in Conference Proceedings: European Aerosol Conference 2009. 06.-11.09.2009, Karlsruhe, 2009.

Decentralized Energy Conversion

  1. A. Charitos et al., “Parametric study on the CO2 capture efficiency of the carbonate looping  process in a 10 kW dual fluidized bed,” in Conference Proceedings: 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, G. Yue, Ed., in Conference Proceedings: 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. May 18-21, 2009, Xi’an, China: Tsinghua University Press, 2009, pp. 583–589.
  2. C. Hawthorne, M. Trossmann, P. Galindo Cifre, A. Schuster, and G. Scheffknecht, “Simulation of the carbonate looping power cycle,” Energy Procedia, vol. 1, no. 1, Art. no. 1, 2009, [Online]. Available:
  3. H. Stadler, D. Ristic, M. Förster, A. Schuster, R. Kneer, and G. Scheffknecht, “NOx-emissions from flameless coal combustion in air, Ar/O2 and CO2/O2,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 32, no. 2, Art. no. 2, 2009, doi:
  4. S. Unterberger, J. Benz, A. Schuster, and G. Scheffknecht, “Calcium-based CO2 capture process for coal-fired power plants,” in Conference Proceedings: PowerGen Europe 2009, in Conference Proceedings: PowerGen Europe 2009. 26.-28.05.2009, Köln, 2009.
  5. M. Zieba, A. Schuster, and G. Scheffknecht, “Influence of gas composition on ammonia-to-NOx conversion during flameless combustion of low calorific value gases,” in Conference Proceedings: 16th International Members’ Conference IFRF, in Conference Proceedings: 16th International Members’ Conference IFRF. 2009.
  6. M. Zieba, A. Brink, A. Schuster, M. Hupa, and G. Scheffknecht, “Ammonia chemistry in a flameless jet,” Combustion and flame, vol. 156, no. 10, October 2009, Art. no. 10, October 2009, 2009, doi:

Power Generation and Automatic Control

  1. O. Comsa, I. Ionel, and T. Weißbach, “A 20-kV Distribution Network Scenario for the Study of the Increased Decentralized Energy Supply,” Energetica, no. 10, Art. no. 10, 2009.
  2. J. Lehner and T. Weißbach, “Global and local effects of decentralised electric power generation on the grid in the Western Balkan Countries (WBC),” Energy Journal, vol. 34, no. 5, Art. no. 5, 2009, doi: DOI: 10.1016/
  3. M. Treuer, G. Scheffknecht, K. Wendelberger, and B. Meerbeck, “Neuer Ansatz zur Dampftemperaturregelung - genau, robust und leicht in Betrieb zu nehmen,” in Tagungsband: 41. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium - Sichere und nachhaltige Energieversorgung, in Tagungsband: 41. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium - Sichere und nachhaltige Energieversorgung. 13. und 14. Oktober 2009, Dresden, 2009, pp. 509–519.
  4. T. Weißbach and E. Welfonder, “High Frequency Deviations within the European Power System - Origins and Proposals for Improvement,” ELECTRA (Invited Paper), no. 242, Art. no. 242, 2009.
  5. P. Zolotarev, M. Treuer, T. Weißbach, and M. Gökeler, “Netzregelverbund - Koordinierter Einsatz von Sekundärregelleistung,” in Tagungsband: 8. Fachtagung Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, in Tagungsband: 8. Fachtagung Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft. 24.-25.11.2009, Ludwigsburg. VDI-Berichte 2080: VDI-Verl., 2009.
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