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Pfaffenwaldring 23
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 0.52
- Recht, G., Cao, K.-K., Alaya, O., Jahn, B., & Lens, H. (2024, February). Considering Reactive Power in Generation Expansion Planning for Energy System Design. 18. Symposium Energieinnovation. 18. Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz, Austria.
- Rogalla, S., Ernst, P., Lens, H., Schaupp, T., Schöll, C., Singer, R., & Ungerland, J. (2024). Grid-forming converters in interconnected power systems: Requirements, testing aspects, and system impact. IET Renewable Power Generation.
- Alaya, O., Cao, K.-K., Buschmann, J., & Lens, H. (2023). The impact of spatial resolution in energy system optimization models on AC-power flow convergence. In VDE (Ed.), ETG Congress 2023 (pp. 1--7). VDE.
- Ungerland, J., Poshiya, N., Biener, W., & Lens, H. (2023). A Voltage Sensitivity Based Equivalent for Active Distribution Networks Containing Grid Forming Converters. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 14(4), Article 4.
- Ungerland, J., & Lens, H. (2023). Evaluation of Equivalent Dynamic Active Distribution Network Models with Individual and Aggregated Consideration of Grid Forming Converters. Energy Technology, 11(12), Article 12.
- Achenbach, D., Lips, J., & Lens, H. (2022). Optimization of the Electricity Market Participation by a Waste Incineration CHP Plant with a Battery Energy Storage System. PESS + PELSS 2022; Power and Energy Student Summit, 176--181.
- Lens, H., Mitrentsis, G., Abele, H., Lehner, J., & Schoell, C. (2022). Measurement Data Based Identification of the Contribution of Distribution Networks to the Self-Regulating Effect. Power Supply Transformation - Grid Regulation and System Stability; 14. ETG/GMA-Symposium, 76–81.
- Lips, J., & Lens, H. (2022). Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of the Steam Cycle Utility System of a Waste Incineration Cogeneration Plant. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(20), Article 20.
- Lips, J., & Lens, H. (2022). Flexibilitätspotenzialanalyse regionaler KWK-Anlagen mittels dynamischer Prozesssimulation. Kraftwerkstechnik 2022 Power Plant Technology, 253--266.
- Maucher, P., Remppis, S., Schlipf, D., & Lens, H. (2022). Control Aspects of the Interzonal Exchange of Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserves. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(9), Article 9.
- Maucher, P., & Lens, H. (2022). Monitoring the Compliance of Balancing Reserves Power with the System Operation Guideline of Continental Europe. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(9), Article 9.
- Mitrentsis, G., & Lens, H. (2022). A Gaussian process framework for the probabilistic dynamic modeling of active distribution networks using exogenous variables. Electric Power Systems Research, 211, 108403.
- Mitrentsis, G., & Lens, H. (2022). An interpretable probabilistic model for short-term solar power forecasting using natural gradient boosting. Applied Energy, 309, 118473.
- Mitrentsis, G., & Lens, H. (2022). Enabling Energy Transition: An Interpretable AI Model for Probabilistic Solar Power Forecasting. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 72 (2022) Heft 1-2, S. 63 - 65.
- Mitrentsis, G., Liu, M., & Lens, H. (2022). Open Source Tool for Probabilistic Short-Term PV and Wind Power Forecasting. 2022 17th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), 1–6.
- Rogalla, S., Denninger, R., Ernst, P., Greulich, A., Lens, H., Salman, A., Schaupp, T., Singer, R., & Ungerland, J. (2022). Netzbildende Wechselrichter in Verbundnetzen – Abschließende Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt VerbundnetzStabil. In Zukunftsnetz (Ed.), Tagung Zukünftige Stromnetze 26. - 27. Januar.
- Scheifele, D., & Lens, H. (2022). Transient Stability of Generator Groups: Factors of Influence and Countermeasures. NEIS 2022; Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, 36–41.
- Schöll, C., Lehner, J., Weidner, J., & Lens, H. (2022). Abschaltung von Dezentralen Erzeugungsanlagen Infolge von Unterspannungen Im Kontext von LFSM-O. 14. ETG/GMA Fachtagung “Netzregelung Und Systemführung,” 54–59.
- Ungerland, J., Bhadani, R., Biener, W., & Lens, H. (2022). Operating Point Dependency and Adaptation of Dynamic Active Distribution Network Equivalents. 2022 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG), 1–6.
- Cao, K.-K., Haas, J., Sperber, E., Sasanpour, S., Sarfarazi, S., Pregger, T., Alaya, O., Lens, H., Drauz, S. R., & Kneiske, T. M. (2021). Bridging granularity gaps to decarbonize large-scale energy systems—The case of power system planning. Energy Science & Engineering Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2021, Pages 1052-1060.
- Cao, K.-K., Pregger, T., Haas, J., & Lens, H. (2021). To Prevent or Promote Grid Expansion? Analyzing the Future Role of Power Transmission in the European Energy System. . . Front. Energy Res. 8:541495.
- Ernst, P., Singer, R., Rogalla, S., Greulich, A., Schöll, C., & Lens, H. (2021). Behavior of Grid Forming Converters in Different Grid Scenarios - Result of a Test Campaign on a Megawatt Scale. In Energynautics (Ed.), 20th Wind Integration Workshop.
- Maucher, P., & Lens, H. (2021). Dynamic monitoring of Frequency Containment Reserve activation. VGB PowerTech 11 (2021), S. 45 - 52.
- Maucher, P., & Lens, H. (2021). Monitoring the Compliance of Frequency Containment Reserves Activation with the System Operation Guideline of Continental Europe. ETG Congress 2021, 1–6.
- Maucher, P., & Lens, H. (2021). On the Specification of Requirements for the Activation Dynamics of Frequency Containment Reserves. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids, 45--50.
- Mitrentsis, G., & Lens, H. (2021). A Dynamic Active Distribution Network Equivalent for Enhancing the Generalization Capability of the Exponential Recovery Model in Stability Studies. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36(3), Article 3.
- Mitrentsis, G., & Lens, H. (2021). Data-Driven Dynamic Models of Active Distribution Networks Using Unsupervised Learning Techniques on Field Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 12(4), Article 4.
- Mitrentsis, G., & Lens, H. (2021). Probabilistic Dynamic Model of Active Distribution Networks Using Gaussian Processes. 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, 1–6.
- Müller, B., & Lens, H. (2021). Influence of Distribution Grid Characteristics on Redispatch Potential of Dispersed Flexibility. CIRED 2021 Conference 20 – 23 September 2021, Paper 0164.
- Rogalla, S., Ernst, P., Schöll, C., Greulich, A., Schaupp, T., Denninger, R., Lehner, J., Singer, R., Salman, A., Lens, H., & Ungerland, J. (2021). Grid Forming Converters in Interconnected Systems - Final Results from the Joint Research Project VerbundnetzStabil. In Energynautics (Ed.), 20th Wind Integration Workshop.
- Schöll, C., & Lens, H. (2021). Design- and Simulation-based Comparison of Grid-Forming Converter Control Concepts. In Energynautics (Ed.), 20th Wind Integration Workshop.
- Mitrentsis, G., & Lens, H. (2020). Unsupervised learning method for clustering dynamic behavior in the context of power systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 53, Issue 2, 13024–13029. 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.2170
- Müller, B., & Lens, H. (2020). Coordinated Dynamic Use of Dispersed Flexibility to Maximize the Time-variant Aggregated Potential for Redispatch. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 53, Issue 2, 12195–12200. 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1076
- Salah, A., & Lens, H. (2020). Model Free Control of Mercury Re-Emissions in Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization Units. Kraftwerkstechnik 2020, Tagungsband Des Kraftwerkstechnischen Kolloquiums 2020, 6.-7.10.2020, Dresden.
- Scheifele, D., Schöll, C., & Lens, H. (2020). Comparison of grid-forming voltage source converter control concepts with respect to large active power imbalances. PESS 2020; IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit, 05.-07. Oct 2020, Darmstadt, 9–14.
- Schöll, C., & Lens, H. (2020). Impact of Current Limitation of Grid-forming Voltage Source Converters on Power System Stability. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 53, Issue 2, 13520–13524. 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.766
- Schöll, C., & Lens, H. (2020). Instability Phenomena in Interconnected Power Systems Caused by Current Limitation of Grid-Forming Converters. Conference Proceedings: 19th Wind Integration Workshop - 11-12 November 2020.
- van der Straeten, M., Lens, H., Leifeld, T., Hartmann, M., & Schneider, S. M. (2020). Vorstellung eines Regelkonzeptes zur Überführung von Industrienetzen mit eigenen Erzeugungsanlagen in den Inselbetrieb. Kraftwerkstechnik 2020, Tagungsband Des Kraftwerkstechnischen Kolloquiums 2020, 6.-7.10.2020, Dresden.
- Wilhelm, K., Alaya, O., Müller, B., & Lens, H. (2020). A Linearized AC-OPF Framework for Re-dispatch Optimization. PESS 2020; IEEE Power and Energy Student Summit, 05.-07. Oct 2020, Darmstadt, 106–111.
- Müller, B., Paret, T., & Lens, H. (2019). Redispatch potential of virtual power plants for transmission grid congestion management. Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2019, 8.-9. Mai 2019, Esslingen, 117–122.
- Schöll, C., Lehner, J., & Lens, H. (2019). Bedeutung und messtechnische Bestimmung des Netzselbstregeleffekts. In V.-V. GmbH (Ed.), ETG-Fachbericht 160 der 13. ETG/GMA-Fachtagung “Netzregelung und Systemführung” (Vol. 160, pp. 104–109). VDE-Verlag GmbH.
- Müller, B., Salzinger, M., Lens, H., Enzenhöfer, R., & Gutekunst, F. (2018). Coordinated congestion management across voltage levels using load flow sensitivities. Conference Proceedings: 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM).
- Schöll, C., Lehner, J., & Lens, H. (2018). Impact of current-controlled voltage source converters on power system stability. IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems - 10th CPES, 51(28), Article 28.
- Schöll, C., & Lens, H. (2018). Untersuchung des Einspeiseverhaltens stromgeregelter Umrichter mit PLL bei Spannungswinkelsprüngen. Tagungsband: Zukünftige Stromnetze Für Erneuerbare Energien 2018, 103–117.
- Weißbach, T., Remppis, S., & Lens, H. (2018). Impact of current market developments in Europe on deterministic grid frequency deviations and frequency restauration reserve demand. Conference Proceedings: 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM).
- Welfonder, E., Lens, H., & Schöll, C. (2018). Bedeutung des Netzselbstregeleffekts. Ew, 7-8 | 2018, 46–55.
- Lehmann, D., & Lens, H. (2017). Flexile conventional power plants and volatile renewable power production - control opportunities. VGB PowerTech, 1–2, Article 1–2.
- Lens, H. (2017). Einsatz elektrischer Energiespeicher für die Netzregelung. In H. Weber (Ed.), Tagungsband: 12. ETG/GMA-Fachtagung „Netzregelung und Systemführung“ (pp. 12–18). VDE VERLAG GMBH.
- Remppis, S., Weißbach, T., & Lens, H. (2017). Auswirkungen von Markttrends auf Netzfrequenzabweichungen und Regelenergiebedarf. Ew - Magazin Für Die Energiewirtschaft, 7, Article 7.
- Schober, B., Beirow, M., Baumann, M., & Lens, H. (2017). Contribution of a biomass-driven PtG concept to congestion management in the German power transmission grid. Conference Proceedings: NEIS 2017, Conference on Substainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, 223–228.
- Welfonder, E., & Lens, H. (2017). Erhalt des Netzselbstregeleffektes auch bei zunehmend umrichtergeführten Antriebs-/Arbeitsmaschinen. Tagungsband: 12. ETG/GMA-Fachtagung „Netzregelung Und Systemführung“, 110–117.
- Gutekunst, F., Remppis, S., van der Straeten, M., Salzinger, M., & Lens, H. (2016). Untersuchung verschiedener Einflüsse erneuerbarer Energien auf das deutsche Stromversorgungssystem. VGB PowerTech, 12/2016, Article 12/2016.
- Straeten, M. van der, Remppis, S., Siebenlist, A., & Lens, H. (2016). Analyse von strukturellen Veränderungen im europäischen Verbundnetz anhand eines zeitsynchronisierten, verteilten Frequenzmesssystems. Tagungsband: VDE-Kongress 2016 – Internet der Dinge.